What is wrong with you guys? - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: What is wrong with you guys?

    Oh by the way OUTGRAED I didn't blame "Deputies" as a whole. I know you can't be there at all time, or in the right place, or patrolling a certain area more. But at least if your being dispatched to the call DO YOUR JOB SLACKER. I do blame Bob White who creates policies and employed micromanagers that make your job that much harder (or easier for some) and the criminals job that much easier to get away with it. Why do you think ST. Pete is the way it is? For one they have a Chief that doesn't run the department the criminals do. They have a "No Pursuit" policy and the criminal know that. Technically in St. Pete any given night there are 7 or 8 occasions (If not more depending on the night) where criminals run from the Police and they can't chase them. Unless it's a forcible felony which still creates a few pursuits a night even with a "No Pursuit" policy. Have you ever met a St. Pete Officer who hasn’t been in I.A. for some ridiculous reason. Like rolling your eyes at someone. I feel sorry for those guys in St. Pete for having to deal with that garbage. The best thing about St. Pete Officers they have the best experience when going somewhere else. The other blame was to the SLACKERS that spend 12 hours a day stealing a pay check, dodging calls, running away from calls (due to being a coward), Sh!t canning calls to avoid a report, and complain about their job day in day out! Now if you don't have a problem with these kinds of Deputies (SLACKERS) that's the problem right there. Perpetuate the cycle of lazy Deputies taking up space for someone that will do the job RIGHT. Lastly I have worn the badge for quite some time and have a new career in Government securities. So with that said if you are one of these SLACKERS please put in your resignation to make way for someone that will do the JOB. If your not one of these Deputies then take the complement that was given to you earlier a keep up the hard work!!!

  2. #22

    Re: What is wrong with you guys?

    like he said this is LEOAFFAIRS. :devil:

  3. #23

    Re: What is wrong with you guys?

    Wow I guess you can't ask a question and ignore it for a few days...

    First off to "jack azz" I haven't really read much of the Pasco board so I'm not sure what all is on here but if you talk to a few of the deputies up here you will notice a lot of them are more than willing to bad mouth St. Pete whenever they can Just an observation from talking to them the numbers for me are 5 out of 7 deputies so far.

    To "Guest" on the bottom of the first page what I consider vandalism is permanently destroying someone else's property with malicious intent. I'm not sure about in Pasco county but everywhere else that I've worked and lived, breaking a bunch or house windows, spray painting the side of a house and driving into a closed garage door and a few other major things (general contractors estimate for repairs is just under $9000 for all the damage) at a place you have no legal right to be at would be considered vandalism at a minimum, depending on the officers mood it would be worse.
    As far as your comment about throwing mud, I truly have no need and have no interest working for departments like the ones down here that throw officers under the bus on a daily basis, as far as ability and knowledge I've had recruiters from departments my family works for bugging me for the last few years so I think that's covered and no none of the departments are in this state. As for my only dealing with a few of the deputies up here you're completely right, I've been working in Pasco and Pinellas county for about the last 4 years and would put it at about 60 deputies I've met and interacted with I would have to say about 15 maybe 20 were good encounters, the other 40-45 were mostly a joke. For the record I'm not counting any of the times I've been pulled over as deputies I've met, that would add another 3 and 2 of them were good, although they were expensive the deputies were polite and professional both times. Also most interactions were work related not for things I've done if that makes you feel any better.

    I would also like to point out in the original post I even stated that I know there are some good people in your department and I'm sure there are more I haven't met yet it just seems like the morons over run the place.

  4. #24

    Re: What is wrong with you guys?

    Quote Originally Posted by New resident
    I just wanted to ask, like the title says what is wrong with you guys?
    I'm just moving here via St. Pete from a city with a population over 5 million. You guys are all so quick to point out all of the problems with the PD in St. Pete and everywhere else but have you ever looked at yourselves?

    Don't get me wrong I know there are some good guys in your department but seriously what is your deal? I've been here about 6 months now, so far I have a vandalism call that the deputy refuses to take, had to request a Sgt to come take a report for insurance, a hit and run on video with the cars plate clear as day but you guys still can't find or ID the driver it took 20 minutes of arguing with the deputy on the phone that he should come watch the tape, again a Sgt had to be called to come take the report.

    I understand these are low priority calls and that you are busy but it's almost like a joke dealing with you guys. I moved out of St. Pete figuring it couldn't get worse but you have some how managed to prove me wrong.

    Please try to remember not all citizens hate you guys some of us respect you and the job you do but sometimes you make it harder than you can believe. To the few good ones I've met thank you for you services and the job you do, to the half a$$ed slackers that are just lazy maybe you should start thinking about finding a more fitting line of work.

    Rant over, thanks for you time and please try to remember what you do reflects not only on you but your department and profession to a lot of people.

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