Sgt. BAKER!!
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Thread: Sgt. BAKER!!

  1. #1

    Sgt. BAKER!!

    Well he's at it again all. I guess he just snapped.....again. I dont know about you but I think someone should take away this guys stripes before he gets someone hurt. See what we have been telling everyone... The problem doesnt lie with the Officers but with the "Supervisor" or so he calls himself. Well folk MUSSOLINI strikes again!!!!! I would like to welcome the newest member to the memo writing squad.....157....thank you for joining us. Im sure you wont be the last.
    On a serious note I think that 121 should be put with the top notch group over at housing. We need to get this guy off the road. He is no good and is only bringing the department down.

    P.S. Hey 121 you sounded a little winded over the radio..I think someone should start exercising!

  2. #2

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    Some time ago appeared on one of the walls of our precinct, a historical quotation. Similar to the “writing on the wall” that saw King Belshazzar in Babylon during one of his renowned feats in his palace. Basically, the writing on the wall was a message that predicted the fall of the Babylonian empire and the rise of the new Empire, that one of the Medes and Persians.

    In our case, the message was as follows: “May God have mercy of my enemies, because I wont – Gen Patton". I am not as intrigued as far as the proper exegesis of this text is concerned. I am amused by a more basic concern, perhaps more noble and humble. I am concerned for its original source. Noticed that I said “original source” as opposed to “immediate source”. The immediate source is the source from which it came to us or better say “became known unto us” . While the original source is the genesis, the origin, the mind from which the message was first sprouted or conceived. Meaning…. Gen Patton himself.

    The writing on the wall did not say whose “Patton” was it. The truth is that the genealogy of the “Patton Family” is very cumbersome and complex. Their Pedigree is Scottish, aristocrats, well educated in the reading of the classics ect. As far as I know, 4-5 generations of “Pattons” were military figures. Staring in the American civil war as far as the Vietnam War. Fathers and sons where engaged in military enterprises of different kinds. I believed that this quotation “may God have mercy of my enemies because I wont” belongs to the Patton that fought the I and II World Wars consecutively, during this last time, president Dwight Eisenhower was then a general with him. In addition, I dare to also assert that most likely the saying belong to one of his famous speeches given to his troops. Most likely in Europe, either in Sicily or Normandy although his role in North Africa was also important. But anyway, this type of incendiary statements goes hand on with the man that almost ruined his military career by slapping in public to one of his own soldier during a visit to a hospital in Sicily. Goes with the man that imposed stricter grooming discipline to his troops. Who cursed at every speeches he gave. The only American General that even the German generals feared and respected. The man who portrayed himself as bloodthirsty and turned his soldiers into killer machines. The man who accepted blacks soldiers under his leadership. The man that never trusted the soviets, even before the Cold War!
    Thus, it must be him! George Smith Patton Jr III! Nov 1885 – Dec 1945. Besides, I also adventure myself to say that with a reasonable degree of probability, the “immediate source” learned the quotation from a book that was written by a journalist about General Patton. But most likely, I believed that comes from a movie filmed by Hollywood producer, (Francis Ford Coppola) about Patton’s life. At any rate, General Patton was not defeated by any enemy, his life suddenly ended in a vehicular crash at 20 mph head-on against other car of his own army. A mysterious death, a man that in defiance of God and Fate, set the pace for generations of military endeavors. A man who in a sense, made history and lived military glory. The same man, left this world in a silly accident in which the vehicles involved hardly suffered any damages whatsoever!


  3. #3

    Lightbulb 280+ Pounders

    WINDED... You all need to check Check your rearends. LAY OFF Burger King. Schedule more training

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    Good job 157! The new memo squad member! lol What a coincidence that everyone is having problems with this certain sgt. Amazing how the brass doesn't see this. Are they that blind? He doesn't patrol like 129 did, instead he is always in the station. This guy is incredible and he is on a power trip. Pretty soon the lt. and captain will have to write him a memo because this guy thinks he owns all of you. All anyone can do is sit back and laugh at him lol On a side note, that night was funny! lol Everything sounded funny on the radio! lol :lol: Anymore volunteers on that memo squad??? maybe 125 should be the supervisor for that shift :devil:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Ranger
    Well he's at it again all. I guess he just snapped.....again. I dont know about you but I think someone should take away this guys stripes before he gets someone hurt. See what we have been telling everyone... The problem doesnt lie with the Officers but with the "Supervisor" or so he calls himself. Well folk MUSSOLINI strikes again!!!!! I would like to welcome the newest member to the memo writing squad.....157....thank you for joining us. Im sure you wont be the last.
    On a serious note I think that 121 should be put with the top notch group over at housing. We need to get this guy off the road. He is no good and is only bringing the department down.

    P.S. Hey 121 you sounded a little winded over the radio..I think someone should start exercising!

  5. #5

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    Judas Iscariot (Torres), Hebrew: ????? ?????????? "Yehuda" Y?hû??h ?Κ-q?riyyô? was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original Apostles of Jesus. Among the twelve, he was apparently designated to keep account of the "money bag" (Grk. ???????????),[1] but he is most traditionally known for his role in Jesus' betrayal into the hands of Roman authorities.[2]

    His name is also associated with a Gnostic gospel, the Gospel of Judas, that exists in an early fourth century Coptic text. Judas has been a figure of great interest to esoteric groups, such as many Gnostic sects, and has also been the subject of many philosophical writings, including The Problem of Natural Evil by Bertrand Russell and "Three Versions of Judas", a short story by Jorge Luis Borges.

    The term Judas has entered many languages as a synonym for betrayer, and Judas has become the archetype of the betrayer in Western art and literature. Judas is given some role in virtually all literature telling the Passion story, and appears in a number of modern novels and movies.

  6. #6

    The Real FIU PD

    This place or palace which ever one you want to call it is full of interesting things. I love it here and I wont work anywhere eles. I come to work because the things that go on here make me laugh so hard that I almost have to cry lol lol lol. The stupidity and lack of leadership takes my breath away. I can't wait until the older guys that have been with FIU PD since the begining retire or die off(which ever one comes first.) so we can get this department moving and on the right track to becoming a better Department. Our job is not to make the most stats but to enforce the laws of this state. Why do the senior guys make a big deal for people trying to do police work? I will tell you why. For a long time now the senior ones never worked, they were all layed back and did their own thing by showing up to work, opening a few doors, taking naps, and also collecting a paycheck for it all. They have gotten so used to doing nothing that when new people entered the Department and started shaking the bushes and trying to do what they are trained for, they(senior guys) all said oh crap these new guys are taking away our way of life and reality set back in. lol. There is so much drama here also lol...the thing with Torres and the afternoon shift.....with Torres and Wong.....The picture as a whole. This is not a real Police Department I know this because of the mediocre people starting with the chief that runs this place.( we still have a chief here? I dont know anymore..we never see him.) Is Canino still making Ochipa do his job for him? someone let me know please...Well I will pay a visit back to this site later for part 2.....

  7. #7

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    boo hoo I had the chance to do real work at Ftlauderdale or be it Miramar or Palm Bay but that was too tough, now I want to play FHP on SW 8 St and my mean old SGT wont let me. So because of that I will close my eyes to my main job of protecting the students and the campus and blame the rise in crime on my mean old Sgt.

  8. #8

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    lol don't be mad! The officers from miramar and palm bay do more than what you have probably ever done in your sorry career not too mention all the younger officers. On the other hand, they are probably learning from slugs like you how to not do their jobs anymore, so if I were you, I wouldn't even talk about protecting students on campus, because you don't even know the first thing about your job lol. On the other hand, that guy from fort lauderdale needs to learn to make arrests, and how to handle calls. Go and take him under your wing since he does nothing and doesn't even know how to talk in a police radio properly. I'm glad they have allowed crime to go so high from doing nothing though :devil:

    Quote Originally Posted by old man
    boo hoo I had the chance to do real work at Ftlauderdale or be it Miramar or Palm Bay but that was too tough, now I want to play FHP on SW 8 St and my mean old SGT wont let me. So because of that I will close my eyes to my main job of protecting the students and the campus and blame the rise in crime on my mean old Sgt.

  9. #9

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!


    last night was hilarious. you made our night by giving us that lecture on the roof of the garage. do you really think anyone was listening? everyone laughs at you. no one respects you, no one listens to you, no one cares. its hard for us to listen to what you say when we know you have no idea what you're talking about (tag attached not assigned, towing vehicles without tags, a-forms over criminal citations, etc.) everything you say is wrong. do you ever wonder how you made it this far with this lack of knowledge??? cuz i sure do.

    here's a tip: lead by example. how do you expect us to want to do any work if all you do is sit in the station all day and do nothing?!? then you complain about people calling out but when you're left to work with only one officer you call out sick. EVERYTIME! next week, you've already admitted that you're gonna call out sick cuz you're gonna be left with only one officer. God forbid you might have to take an actual call. i know it can be grueling actually getting off your ass and helping "your" officers, but try it once in a while, at least that way you can feel like a cop. when one of your officers doesn't have a 15 available for a 25, trying going to the call rather then turning your radio down and staying in the station. respect has to be earned.

    don't worry we'll all be off your shift soon enough. hang in there.

  10. #10

    Re: Sgt. BAKER!!

    Hey Sarge, Don't even pay attention to this last disgruntled idiot that wrote crap about you. He probably couldn't get a job in another police department even if he tried. Let me guess, could this be the same idiot rookie that wants to arrest people for the "tag not assigned" statue, even though MDPD legal bureau specifically advises their officers to not make the arrest, unless it occurs in the officer's presence. Wait, Wait....Please don't tell me, is this is the same rookie that actually had PC to make an arrest after stopping a car with a stolen tag, the thief confessed to stealing it, yet no arrest was made, Nice.......he really knows his job. :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:


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