FOP Endorsing Regalado - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    I have no problem to endorse who ever we vote on as a union! The problem is they are giving my right away. Now they are giving my money away without my opinion. The FOP want you to right a letter to the union if you don't want to contribute $30. Yeah, so i could be put on the black list. If i get in trouble they will pull out the black list and i am done.

  2. #12

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    I think the union board figured out that you guys are all talk and no action. They will do whatever they want and all you guys do is talk caca on this board.LOL

  3. #13

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    thirty dollars for Regalado, thats it ? Put me down for 150.00. To see change in November I will auction my wife and kids......85% of the department will settle for thirty........

  4. #14

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    Kerr is right we must stand together and support one candidate. In numbers we can be heard across political lines.

    Remember 10% of the department wants things as they are.......

  5. #15

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    Hey Lets auction off Kerr!,,,,,,,,must be worth at least $20.00,,,

  6. #16

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    Don't let the FOP or anybody else take your money for Regalado. Things are alot better than you people realize and they could be alot worse. Sanchez is for keeping things stable and Regalado is for making alot of changes.I say we stay on a path to stability. If you want stability support Sanchez.

  7. #17

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    Are saying that we should say with t money and bk

  8. #18

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    That's right. I'm saying that we should stick with the current administration. It's alot better than what Exposito and the Sieglie types have planned for this department. Stability is what we need not change. Push for Sanchez.

  9. #19

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    Yeah push popper Joe out the door

  10. #20
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: FOP Endorsing Regalado

    The endorsement was made some time ago at an FOP meeting. Everyone talks about change. It's coming.

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