blackops - Page 3
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Thread: blackops

  1. #21

    Re: blackdrops

    Hey blackdrops --- you and jokeychicken don't speak for patrol or anyone but yourselves. Most of patrol and CID know what you guys are about. Notice there are very few that post here that agree with your constant BS. You both know you are stuck here, because anyone who is that miserable would leave if they could. So, quit your whining and do your job.

  2. #22

    Re: blackops

    Hey "Speaking out your A--" As I have proved once again it is not how I bring these issues about, but that I bring them up period. All opinions are valued in this forum, however the people that I work with all seem to agree with me so that is why I write the way I do. So you must be out of the loop. Now eat this dancing hot dog :devil: and stop calling people names it is not very nice.

  3. #23

    Re: blackops

    Sorry for my husbands actions. If he treats his co-workers this way you can only guess how the kids and I are treated.

  4. #24

    Re: blackops

    Sorry for my husbands actions. If he treats his co-workers this way you can only guess how the kids and I are treated.

  5. #25

    Re: blackops

    Someone has just stepped onto a whole new playing field, GOODLUCK! Things are about to get very interesting. :evil: Do not under estimate the power of the Smurf. Think before you reply do you really want him back. Just a little warning!

  6. #26

    Re: blackops

    Hey blackops I think your buddy is looking for you!!!

  7. #27

    Re: blackops

    No more posts and talking, you called me out. Ring Ring B---- school is in, the time for talk is done. When you look back at this you will realize this was the beginning of the end of your constant tarnishing of the badge. I will fix this problem myself since you have fallen through the cracks for so very long. The next post I make will be after you are out of law enforcement. Game on Fat Boy :evil:

  8. #28

    Re: blackops

    "No more posts and talking, you called me out. Ring Ring B---- school is in, the time for talk is done. When you look back at this you will realize this was the beginning of the end of your constant tarnishing of the badge. I will fix this problem myself since you have fallen through the cracks for so very long. The next post I make will be after you are out of law enforcement. Game on Fat Boy "

    Be careful what you claim you will do. Remember there are those of us that have no use for your type. Not to mention, you are obviously powerless to do anything or you would not be on here posting your BS. You two have talked a big game for a long time and it has amounted to nothing but a few juvenile posts with a hotdog jumping up and down. What else have you accomplished? Tell us please? Now lets not get into a battle of wits, you will undoubtedly come to that fight unarmed!

  9. #29

    Re: blackops

    No more posts and talking, you called me out. Ring Ring B---- school is in, the time for talk is done. When you look back at this you will realize this was the beginning of the end of your constant tarnishing of the badge. I will fix this problem myself since you have fallen through the cracks for so very long. The next post I make will be after you are out of law enforcement. Game on Fat Boy

    Your anger issues need to be addressed. The Employee Assistance Program is free and anonymous. Give them a call; they may be able to help you. I do not think the citizens of New Port Richey deserve to have an officer with his emotions so out of control. Do the right thing and seek some help.

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