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Thread: Promotions

  1. #1


    Congratulations to Lt Laws and Sgt Hall. If anyone should get promoted those two are deserving.

  2. #2

    Re: Promotions

    Yea they deserve it more than anyone. One thing is neither one of those guys can be accused of butt kissing, they are very professional and they know how to do thier jobs. Another thing is they are funny as hell with the best since of humor.Oh, unlike others who have been promoted, don't expect those guys' heads to swell up and act like they are God or micromanagers. Lt. Laws (waddup dawg!) and Sgt. Hall (no relation to the Sheriff) good luck and congrats!! :cop:

  3. #3

    Re: Promotions

    Those two are by far the best candidates for promotion I've seen in a long time. Nathan is not just a deputy, he is THE deputy. Doug is a good leader because when he shows up on your calls, he lets you do your job without micromanaging but he will gladly step in and let you know if you are f-bombing the call. Both guys are tremendous in their work ethic. I agree with the previous posters that on a lighter side of the job, both can make you laugh till you cry. Lt. Laws and Sgt. Hall, I salute you!

  4. #4

    Re: Promotions

    I wish they would promote me. I don't like to take responsibilty but I want to be in charge. I wont have to take calls, I can delegate them. After all I would be in charge. My car would stay clean because I wouldn't do much. Spending time in some seldom used parking lot with my engine running means keeping off the dirt roads. I could watch the map and see where my subordinates are to make sure they are not doing something I might regret. After all I would be in charge. If a person approached me and wanted to file a report I can call for a subordinate to drive across the district to take the call. I would tell them how to do their job. After all I am in charge. If they have an idea I can say it's not a good idea; if I didn't come up with the idea it wont work. If they do have a really good idea I can tell the lt that it was my idea. After all I am in charge. I can look good with my shiney boots, pressed uniform and polished brass; if they get a little dirty I can counsel them and document it so I can use it against them when evaluations are due. Then I can show the lt where I gave them proper warning. After all I'm in charge.

    Although I do not really feel the way that is described in the above paragraph, there are some supervisors who lean on that mentality. It sounds silly but think about some of the sgts that have done this on a regular basis. They are still working right now. I'm not posting this to point to any particular sgt. They know who they are and most importantly everyone know who they are.

    It is refreshing to see Laws and Hall get their bars and stripes. Neither of them could ever be accused of having an ego fit over their jobs. Both are very capable officers and posses the intellegence and integrity to do the job assigned to them. They accept responsibilty for their action without fear and regrets. They both tell like it is, and 99 percent of the time they are on the money. They will do well without complaint and at the end of the day, they will go home to their wives. Good luck to Lt. Laws and Sgt. Hall.

  5. #5

    Re: Promotions

    Well said!

  6. #6

    Re: Promotions

    Fyi to the other candidtates, don't count yourself out. It may be a while but the sheriff said he may have to pormote as many as 5 more between now and next christmas. 2 or three may be happening after the first of the year, with the remainder to fill in as needed. There is one deputy out there needs to stop whining or you will be looked over.

  7. #7

    Re: Promotions

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Fyi to the other candidtates, don't count yourself out. It may be a while but the sheriff said he may have to pormote as many as 5 more between now and next christmas. 2 or three may be happening after the first of the year, with the remainder to fill in as needed. There is one deputy out there needs to stop whining or you will be looked over.
    If you have the "inside info", why not identify yourself. There is a problem in this agency when only certain people get the inside info. Why do you put it out on a blog, why not e-mail it to everyone? Why didnt Hall put out this info on his own e-mail system or even his website. No, everyone has to wait for the grapevine. A grapevine that is ripe with information that doesnt pass the smell test. Dont start with "Hall has an open door policy". Once you enter his office he will tell you anything to get you out of his office; his LE major will then use it against you in the future. You also say a deputy is "whining", maybe its a case of someone seeing others getting screwed during promotions in the past and is just voicing their opinion--just like you voiced your opinion that they were "Whining". Don't throw stones.
    On a more professional note, why does the Hall have a promotion policy that does not meet Accreditation Standards? Why did the FOP allow Hall to change the promotion policy in 2005? A promotion policy was bargained for during the first (and current) signed agreement; Hall then changed it without authorization or challenge. Hall had no right to make unilateral change on what had previously been bargained for. Thats what "collective bargaining" is all about! Know what your talking about before you belittle someone by calling them a "whiner".

  8. #8

    Re: Promotions

    The FOP has ten days to challenge any policy change, not that they ever have. The Sheriff could change the promotion process to "whoever passed the test" and they still wouldn't challenge it. At least he has somewhat of a fairness, not much, but some. Oh, and who is next on the Lt and Sgt list? Now it should be interesting for obvious reasons. The old statement of "it's not what you know..." really comes into play.

  9. #9

    Re: Promotions

    Dang did someone strick a nerve? It dont look lik the poster was whining at all. They were simply stating some things. And why make themselves out to be the martyr? Since you seem do damn intersted why dont you post your name? Oh yeah fool dont throw stones. Idont know which one is whining but my guess would be a certain sgt who quit, came back in a year and managed to get back on the list of promotions and is complaining he hasnt been promoted yet. You seem to have a problem with Hall, the FOP and probably your job, your homelife, your sex life (or lack thereof). Really who cares what you think.

    On a more prefessional note you stink.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Fyi to the other candidtates, don't count yourself out. It may be a while but the sheriff said he may have to pormote as many as 5 more between now and next christmas. 2 or three may be happening after the first of the year, with the remainder to fill in as needed. There is one deputy out there needs to stop whining or you will be looked over.
    If you have the "inside info", why not identify yourself. There is a problem in this agency when only certain people get the inside info. Why do you put it out on a blog, why not e-mail it to everyone? Why didnt Hall put out this info on his own e-mail system or even his website. No, everyone has to wait for the grapevine. A grapevine that is ripe with information that doesnt pass the smell test. Dont start with "Hall has an open door policy". Once you enter his office he will tell you anything to get you out of his office; his LE major will then use it against you in the future. You also say a deputy is "whining", maybe its a case of someone seeing others getting screwed during promotions in the past and is just voicing their opinion--just like you voiced your opinion that they were "Whining". Don't throw stones.
    On a more professional note, why does the Hall have a promotion policy that does not meet Accreditation Standards? Why did the FOP allow Hall to change the promotion policy in 2005? A promotion policy was bargained for during the first (and current) signed agreement; Hall then changed it without authorization or challenge. Hall had no right to make unilateral change on what had previously been bargained for. Thats what "collective bargaining" is all about! Know what your talking about before you belittle someone by calling them a "whiner".

  10. #10

    Re: Promotions

    It's really great to see positive comments over promotions. My Department Escambia) could learn from Yours. Nathan is a neighbor and a friend. He is a good cop and leader.


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