Stupid Stuff
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Thread: Stupid Stuff

  1. #1

    Stupid Stuff

    I check this sight periodically and here lately there have have no posts. I guess it's a good thing considering most of the posts here are about bashing a particualr person. It would not be harmful to post about things that are going on, or perhaps maybe a deputy is having a baby or whatever. the problem is when someone posts here some jacka-s-s will make an idiot reply. Oh yeah, how about the ones that no matter what happens somebody wants to blame Mia Harnett? I read someting in here about captains getting promoted and tkaing command with ships at sea. Just stupid stuff for sure but the thing I noticed about all of it was the election is over. Wendell won and now the complainers have said nothing else to say Stupid Stuff

  2. #2

    Re: Stupid Stuff

    Negative: Were you drunk when you posted? Or do you rely a little too much on a report taker?

    Positive: I hope you get a speak and spell for Christmas!

    You asked for it, so I hope you got what you've been missing.

  3. #3

    Re: Stupid Stuff

    LOL...some fools mispells a few words and some donkey replies with a smart@$$ answer....


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