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Thread: BO Out?

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2008

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-800-GUEST
    This will be interesting to watch how this plays out.
    I'll save you the wait. Investigation goes forward. Results come in. BO asked to resign. Life goes on.
    That's the short story. Let's look at the novel. If KR allows this to happen without even a parachute then that will say a lot about loyality.

    I was involved with the campaign for over a year. I saw what BO did for the campaign. Behind the scenes BO was everywhere doing what needed to be done. BO gave up all of her free time for more then a year.

    If BO made a 6'3 230+ male uncomfortable so he had to leave her office so what? My impression of that kid was he was a goof anyway.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: BO Out?

    Now everyone play nice..-20 yrs from now no one will care either way!

  3. #23

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by "1-800-GUEST":3n8wnv1n
    This will be interesting to watch how this plays out.
    I'll save you the wait. Investigation goes forward. Results come in. BO asked to resign. Life goes on.
    That's the short story. Let's look at the novel. If KR allows this to happen without even a parachute then that will say a lot about loyality.

    I was involved with the campaign for over a year. I saw what BO did for the campaign. Behind the scenes BO was everywhere doing what needed to be done. BO gave up all of her free time for more then a year.

    If BO made a 6'3 230+ male uncomfortable so he had to leave her office so what? My impression of that kid was he was a goof anyway.[/quote:3n8wnv1n] guy... I personally know this gentleman and he is not a goof. He is a very smart and talented individual that unfortunately had a boss who liked to use her "power" in a very negative way; yet isn't that how DH likes his people to use it? Anyone who thinks the guy should have retaliated in any way, shape or form should try standing in his shoes before passing judgement. Funny how YOU feel comfortable with your "impression of that kid" to call him a goof......have you stopped and taken a long look at your own REFLECTION in a mirror lately? Yeah, I can see where you get the word "goof".......

  4. #24
    Senior Member
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    Re: BO Out?

    Is it me or do the anonymous posters act like hard guys all the time?

    As I said my impression of the kid was he was a goof. Your impression is different...good for you.

    In my limited dealings with him I noticed he was pleasant enough, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  5. #25

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-800-GUEST
    Is it me or do the anonymous posters act like hard guys all the time?

    As I said my impression of the kid was he was a goof. Your impression is different...good for you.

    In my limited dealings with him I noticed he was pleasant enough, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    Isn't 1-800-GUEST an anonymous poster who also acts like a hard guy?

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2008

    Re: BO Out?

    Unlike you I am a registered user. I am responible for my statements. I don't hide behind a curtain or in your case in a closet.

    Why do I think the kid is a goof? At one event he was breathing in the helium from one of the ballons to change his voice. Cute when you are 7 or 8. But in an room full of voters you look like a GOOF in the eyes of most. I understand he is still young and immature, but he is still accountable for his actions.

  7. #27

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-800-GUEST
    Unlike you I am a registered user. I am responible for my statements. I don't hide behind a curtain or in your case in a closet.

    Why do I think the kid is a goof? At one event he was breathing in the helium from one of the ballons to change his voice. Cute when you are 7 or 8. But in an room full of voters you look like a GOOF in the eyes of most. I understand he is still young and immature, but he is still accountable for his actions.
    Your right he should have taken a mature stance. Like how some agency members acted so mature at the debates. Or how his former boss acts in the district meetings with KR. But regardless 1-800-Guest I love the pic.

  8. #28
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2007
    Collier County

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by angelangel
    If you only knew who I really was....I'm not sig 20, not at least I log in when I post. I'm not GO. I'm not related in any way, shape or form to VO. I saw what was happening with CCSO and did my best to try to prevent some of the stuff from happening, but with KR being elected, unless he really does make changes, then it will be the same. And I fear for the good employees of CCSO....all employess, not just deputies.
    You are a typical blowhard with nothing important to say. You are that person in your small group of friends that tells the corny jokes and everyone smiles and gives a little laugh to be polite. When you leave the room, they roll on the floor laughing at how pathetic you are. We have all read your nonsense for several months and have yet to see the website, the facts or other malarkey. I call SHENANIGANS on you and your charade. If you really cared about anyone at the CCSO, you wouldn't continue to post false, baseless, negative nonsense ad naseum.

    There is nobody to blame for an individual's behavior except that individual. If Brigid did what is alleged, then she is responsible for her own actions. If he had brought the allegations forward when they happened, she would have been ousted earlier. If she does get fired, and she breaks the confidentially agreement she signed, then she will get her big butt sued just like anyone else who breaks a contract. She can write all the books she wants too, because unless she goes on Oprah, she will only sell a few dozen copies.

  9. #29

    Re: BO Out?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-800-GUEST
    Unlike you I am a registered user. I am responible for my statements. I don't hide behind a curtain or in your case in a closet.

    Why do I think the kid is a goof? At one event he was breathing in the helium from one of the ballons to change his voice. Cute when you are 7 or 8. But in an room full of voters you look like a GOOF in the eyes of most. I understand he is still young and immature, but he is still accountable for his actions.
    First, that was not me saying he was a goof. It was me asking the anonymous hard guy question. Second; so if I choose a super cool screen name like yours I'd have to be responsible for my anonymous posts with my new ingenious screen name?

  10. #30

    Re: BO Out?

    We don't need no stinking confidentiality agreement.

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