The State of the FOP (My humble opinion) - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Its obvious Rich B and Jack et al. want to jump in the game at the last minute, point out all that's wrong at the FOP and sell themselves as the savior of the organization. I for one am grateful for what the FOP has been able to continue to do throughout a year of change. I thinks its only the beginning.

    In just over a year Tim Ingold retired, Dan Carron moved to President, Kevin Judd stepped up as Vice President, Karl Lounge was appointed Secretary, Glenn Scott retired as Chaplain, Rachael Hughs took over then was deployed and Bodie D'Andrea was appointed Chaplain. That's alot of change for any organization and it was at a time when there were several open labor contracts.

    I'll agree that not everyone got what they wanted but that doesn't change the fact that there has been alot of work done behind the scenes to get it done. Could things have been different with Jack as president? I doubt it. I attended some of the sessions and it wouldn't have mattered who was running the show the Sheriff was he!! bent on saying "NO" and making his political statement to the County Commission.

    I too want to see the FOP move forward. I don't think the way to do it is by making drastic changes and electing someone who has no history of standing up for those of us who work the street and have little say.

    So you dozen or so unhappy souls who never get involved in your own destiny bring on the negativity and bashing, I think we should support the reps who have been there all along.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Quote Originally Posted by fop supporter
    Its obvious Rich B and Jack et al. want to jump in the game at the last minute, point out all that's wrong at the FOP and sell themselves as the savior of the organization. I for one am grateful for what the FOP has been able to continue to do throughout a year of change. I thinks its only the beginning.

    In just over a year Tim Ingold retired, Dan Carron moved to President, Kevin Judd stepped up as Vice President, Karl Lounge was appointed Secretary, Glenn Scott retired as Chaplain, Rachael Hughs took over then was deployed and Bodie D'Andrea was appointed Chaplain. That's alot of change for any organization and it was at a time when there were several open labor contracts.

    I'll agree that not everyone got what they wanted but that doesn't change the fact that there has been alot of work done behind the scenes to get it done. Could things have been different with Jack as president? I doubt it. I attended some of the sessions and it wouldn't have mattered who was running the show the Sheriff was he!! bent on saying "NO" and making his political statement to the County Commission.

    I too want to see the FOP move forward. I don't think the way to do it is by making drastic changes and electing someone who has no history of standing up for those of us who work the street and have little say.

    So you dozen or so unhappy souls who never get involved in your own destiny bring on the negativity and bashing, I think we should support the reps who have been there all along.
    I totally respect your opinion and hope ALL the members make an informed, educated decision. As far as the "dozen or so unhappy souls", I've had that many emails in the last 3 hours alone. There are a few more than a dozen.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Thanks for the update Rich. I agree there needs to be some major changes in how the FOP does business, but I can't put my finger on what it is yet. One thing I'm really tired of is the "holier than thou" attitude and the our poop don't stink attitude many of the FOP leaders and reps have. I hate to burst thier bubble, but, it does stink, and so does the current state of the FOP. Kevin's reply of "you're only one vote" is exactly what I'm talking about. I think that maybe some new people with different ideas and methods may help, it isn't a magic cure-all., but it is a good start.

    If you think overall dissatisfaction with the FOP is limited to just a few people, you are wrong. There are many people that are ready to jump the sinking FOP ship if things don't change soon, and that number is growing daily. Don't believe me? Sit through a patrol read-off and ask some people thier opinions......

  4. #14

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    I have an opinion as well. First of all, Jack Peterson isn't the answer at all. If you were at the October meeting you would have seen that he bad information he was trying to spew. When he attacked the board by saying there was 194 members being affected by the 8 and 10 hour shift proposal the sheriff wanted to agree to, he was wrong. Not even close. He made it a point to say that the FOP was wrong in rejecting the proposal. Low and behold because the FOP rejected the sheriff's initial proposal, the FOP was able to negotiate a better deal. What do you say about that J.P? I doubt he will have the class to say "good job." J.P. has not participated in the FOP yet he wants to run for president?

    I have been to a few negotiating sessions and agreee with the above poster that it wouldn't matter who was negotiating. The answer "no" is about the only thing the sheriff brings to the table.

    So all of you who buy into Rich B's postings, you need to get your information correct. He said a lot of things that were not accurate. I suggest you call the board members and ask them directly.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Quote Originally Posted by 345
    ........ I suggest you call the board members and ask them directly.
    That's a big part of the problem. There's no talking to them up there on thier high perch looking down upon all of us little peons with "only one vote".

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Jack's Bio

    Many have you have asked me recently about Jack. I asked him to send me a brief biography that I could post here for those not familiar with him.

    Jack Peterson

    1986 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
    Southeast Missouri State University
    Earned 4 years Full Football Scholarship
    (Starting Player 4 years)

    Pinellas County Deputy since 1986
    Patrol Deputy
    SWAT Member
    STEP Unit
    SRO: East Lake HS, Dunedin Middle, Osceola HS
    Marine Unit
    Fugitive Detective
    Sergeant in Patrol (Mids & Days)
    Sergeant in Fugitive
    Sergeant in Civil
    Served on PCSO Vehicle Pursuit Review Board
    Served as Acting Shift Commander in Patrol

    East Lake HS: Football, Wrestling, Track
    Clearwater Central Catholic HS: Football

  7. #17
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Another interesting thing that came to light today. Some of you may feel bad for Ken since it appears that he may soon be replaced. Some of you may think that was a very recent idea.

    It appears that Jack and Kevin already met with Attorney Rob Green several weeks ago about Rob replacing Ken. Apparently Kevin told Rob at the meeting that Ken's contract lapsed last year, was currently month to month and could easily be terminated.

    Now that Jack has announced his candidacy Kevin suddenly thinks that Ken's contract is good until 2011. I believe there was a meeting at the lodge today to straighten it out.

    Another interesting thing that I witnessed at one of the golf tourney meetings. Tino, the guy who gets sponsors for the lodge, wanted to know about the lodges 501 c3 certificate. That's the cert that allows sponsors to claim their contributions on their taxes, in essence naming the lodge a non profit organization. Many FOP lodges have 501 c3 status. The cert is very important as sponsors are more apt to give money knowing they can get a tax break. At last years golf tourney there was some issues with the cert. Come to find out the lodge had possibly not completed the paperwork or let the cert lapse.

    George Massourou of the East Lake Woodlands Golf Board did a tremendous amount of work on behalf of the lodge and the tournament. We apparently had $35,000 in pledges for this years tournament, as long as the 501 c3 was intact. It wasn't. George apparently even offered to pay for the tax attorney and accounting services so the application could be properly completed. Voted down by your Pres and VP. We still do not have the certificate.

    Now some of you may think this is just political mud slinging. Folks, this is OUR lodge, OUR dues. OUR potential sponsors that could have benefited Timmie Keyser and her family this year. Why on earth would we not have 501 3c status? Tino even offered to check with the lodge in Tampa to see if we could possibly piggy back on their certificate. Never happened.

    If you have questions for Jack please call him. I'm trying to keep folks informed and apologize if I don't appear very neutral these days. I'm just disgusted, as many of you are.

    Stay safe,


  8. #18

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Do you really think this is the forum for this? I think members who can make the meeting should start questioning the board about this. There was not a decent turnout when Susan Latvala was there and that was a very important topic. This is important also. I believe our dues are part of maintaining a tax-exempt status as operating costs. We should ask to see the cert or anyother paperwork showing the lodge is in compliance. What say you about this (old english, or yoda). The board should not be adversarial to the members when there is a decenting opinions. I believe we are having a lot of growing pains out of this but it is good to be like the Phoenix. (No I not trying to be writer like Rich). If we do need some changes then so be it. There isn't anything wrong since the position of President is available now the DC is not going to be running. But to those members who are complaining, go to the meeting which is on the 3rd Tues of the month. And the members who can't make it, get with someone who can and see they will speak up for you.

    Stay safe everyone.

  9. #19

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    Great post Rich,

    My biggest gripe with the FOP and the last contract negotiations is that all of us lost on average $1000.00 for the year with the hold out. The Sheriff was not trying to screw anyone. The bottom line is he had to make the cuts in order to keep this ship floating. I really do feel sorry for the ones that were cut and the programs that were cut out of the Sheriff's Office. Everyone has worked hard to make those programs what they were.

    If anyone can honestly say that these changes that the Sheriff made didn't male him feel like crap than you ned your head examined. As a whole we all got into to this business basicly because we had the drive and the passion to do so and the Sheriff is no exception. It is the Sheriffs job to make sure we all get paid.

    As I mentioned I really am sorry to those that have lost out and knowing that most moved onto other jobs in Law Enforcements puts my mind at ease. BUT we all need to look at our own futures our own retirement our own families to take care of. Just like anything else this will pass and we will get through this.

    I think it is time for a change! i dont know about the rest of you but $1000.00 could of went a long way with me for this year and we are left with loosing that because a few people did not like some of the issues the Sheriff stood firm on (ie....take home cars for 20 some members). Say what you want that seemed to be the biggest issue with the last contact negotiation.

    So if Jack wants a shot at it I say lets give it to him. Because the only thing that was proven to me was that the current FOP cost me some coin.

  10. #20

    Re: The State of the FOP (My humble opinion)

    That's part of the problem. Only concern yourself with what benefits YOU. You would have been singing a different tune if you were affected by the changes the Sheriff wanted to make. Look at the big picture, Coats is slowly taking away things and as long as it doesn't hurt you, you couldn't care less. Great attitude sport.

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