How should we determine Contract Re-openers?
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    I've gotten many calls these past few weeks about the re-openers, especially the city bid situation.

    I've heard your complaints, and I agree with many of your opinions. Now, let's see if you can come up with a solution. We have many talented, smart, previous experience folks at this agency. Talk to me. I want to know how you did it at other agencies. I want to know how you think it would be a fairer process.

    Realize that I am not on the FOP Board and have no power in regards to decisions. In other words, don't kill the messenger. I'm only trying to facilitate the situation because I don't want to see any more good troops bailing on the FOP.

    The folks who make the decisions read this board, so vent away.

    What I'm hearing is that you're upset that no one asked your opinion as to what the re-openers should have been.

    That the FOP is only looking out for a small minority of the members who are affected by the city bids.

    That certain board members make you feel like your voice doesn't count because you're new to the agency.

    That some simpler, attainable things should have been on the table. Short sleeves year round has come up a few times.

    That unless you know and speak personally with Dan, Kevin, Frank or Mark your opinions are never solicited nor heard.

    You're asking for a better way to decide what the re-openers should be. Some of the suggestions already given are that slips go out so all members are given an opportunity to give their opinion and then vote as to what the top 3 should be.

    That's what I'm hearing on the phone and by email, please let me know if you agree or have another opinion.

    Semper Fi,


  2. #2

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    Rich I agree with those who have voiced concern regarding the re-openers. In this day and age it seems rather simple to have a web based voting system. Each member can log in with a password and vote on what they think should be a re-opener brought to the table. With the amount of dues the members pay I think it would be in the union's best interest to invest a little capital in an interactive website where member's concerns can be voiced. In light of the current fiscal situation this would have been a perfect year to bring up short sleeves year round, something which would affect nearly all members of the bargaining unit. While I personally agree that cities should be open to bidding, I find it disheartening that we wasted our re-opener on this issue to due to the wishes of a few members (I heard it was brought up by a single member).

    On another note I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort you have put forth in trying to make the union and the agency better. I know collective bargaining is relatively new in Florida but if you look at the unions up north and out west you can see the potential. You see strong unions in other states vigorously fighting for the good of their members with tangible results. Unfortunately many see our current union as nothing more than an Elks or Moose Lodge.

  3. #3

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    if you think we pay high dues you are wrong. the union is new to pcso. if we were paying realistic dues and we were getting everything I see people asking for we would be paying over $150 a month per member. everything has a price. the more you want the more you are going to have to pay.

  4. #4

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    Gee Rich, I don't know, maybe the FOP could actually ask for input from all of it's membership. Ever since the FOP has had to attempt to bargain during hard times they have sucked. The FOP is not the same as it was under Tim Ingold. Now it is a group of mismatched whiners who think its us against them. They certainly don't give two craps what anyone wants. They cannot admit that they cost us all thousands of dollars for their abortion of an impasse attempt last year. They completely mislead and misinformed its members to support a select few. That select few included the V.P., Kevin Judd, who was effected by the loss of his takehome car.

    The FOP knew they had no chance of a pay raise this year, but asked anyway. They claim to have bargained for an increase in off duty detail pay, but that happened without a ratified contract. So no raise (big suprise) and a voluntary increase in detail pay. What's left, city bids. Who in the holy, holy hell gave two craps about city bids? Did any of you people bother to read general orders concerning shift/station assignments to see thats the only thing you get to bid for? That would have saved the idiots time.

    What could they have asked for, presuming they had asked anyone else.




    The lack of importance in the reopeners just shows me that the issues at PCSO are not as bad as they are portrayed by the low morale whiners and Die hard FOP complainers. The FOP is a joke and so are the bargaining team members. They live in fantasy land.

    Decertification is coming......

  5. #5

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    I would have been much happier having short sleeves year round as an opener, then worrying about which days I get off. Besides, I remember a few months ago LT asking several times in readoff if anyone was intrested in going to the city, and nobody even wanted to go.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    So how would you guys determine what the re-openers would be? How do we make it fair and ensure everyone is heard from?

  7. #7

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?


    The simple solution is the same way we just did the endorsements, send a letter to everyone's home. The problem everyone has is that this re-opener supposal represents what the majority of the bargaining unit wants. In fact in represents what (1) person's want and that person just happens to be friends with a certain corporal (FF). Putting the idea of bidding for the contract cities on the bargaining table, basically says that the FOP doesn't care about everyone that isn’t in patrol, because they just wasted their say for this year. The FOP needs to realize that members are dropping like flies and they are starting to find themselves having less and less money to deal with.

    Rich, I understand you were just given an FOP email address for private concerns, can you post it for us please.

    Thank You.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    Thanks for your reply! is the email. Or feel free to call me.

  9. #9

    Post Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    I would agree with the posts above. I would of not choosen pay raises as a re-opener when there is none to be had. Off-duty detail was taking care of by the Sheriff, so why is that still on the table? I would agree with short sleeve shirts as a re-opener as that would save the department money and effects a majority of the troops (keeping long sleeve for formal events).

    A GREAT re-opener could have been a step plan of some sort so when we do hire new deputies, whenever that may be, they are not getting paid the same as 4-5 year deputies or worse. I know 8 year deputies now who are around the same pay range as they were 4 years ago.

    The only problem I see as far as sending out mail is that they (FOP) would say ""we sent out letters and this is what we got". They have said this before this year and as a member since 2001, I can say I NEVER got a letter requesting my opinion. I know I am not able to attend meetings as I have childcare issues as my other half works evenings so when people say "attend the meetings" then that nice and all but for some it is easier said then done.

    A interactive website would be ideal. Every member can log on with password and vote so that thier voice/computer can be heard. I am against the City Bidding as one poster said above, I heard my LT as well ask everyone that if they are interested in a city spot to put in a memo for assignment and I did not hear many people pipe up for the position. I know a memo is hard to write when it is only a one liner that just goes to the shift commander. The same goes for the STAR teams. If they open cities to bidding might as well open STAR teams (4 10hr day with fri,sat, sun off----NICE). As they are no better or worse then anybody else on top of they are a patrol entity. I think I have vented enough on this issue as of now. Thanks Rich for everything that you are trying to do.

  10. #10

    Re: How should we determine Contract Re-openers?

    In order to have an affective union as in the FOP or PBA your representitive can not and should not be part of the agency. Most place that have successful unions elect a person who is normally retired and pay them a salary out of the dues so this person can not be bullied by the Sheriff. Case in point look at who represents the sheriff in the negotiations. This person does not have to answer to anyone but the Sheriff and can not and will not be bullied because if our representitive gets out of line during the negotiation she will run tell the Sheriff and that person is subject believe it or not I.A.. Until our President is someone that can tell the third floor exactly how we feel with out repercussions we will not have a chance when it comes to any reopeners or bargainning sessions. The FOP should learn from the unions up north by contacting those agencies and asking for thier advise. Just a thought from someone who has been there.

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