Dirty Tricks
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Thread: Dirty Tricks

  1. #1

    Dirty Tricks

    ESCAMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE The dirty campaigning in the sheriff's race is putting a black eye on the whole department. There is a definite effort to set up the Nov. 4 general election between Democratic Larry Scapecchi and Republican David Morgan as a choice between a veteran insider and a more educated outsider. Emails and flyers have attacked Morgan for being from Missouri, having shifty eyes and singing in bars with Vietnamese women. Yes, the attacks are that bizarre. To date, we haven't seen any such smears against Scapecchi, which leads many to believe that people inside the ECSO have had a hand in the attacks. It's unfortunate that good deputies are being lumped together with those who use bigotry and fear to hold on to their power.

  2. #2

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Quote Originally Posted by InWeekly
    ESCAMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE The dirty campaigning in the sheriff's race is putting a black eye on the whole department. There is a definite effort to set up the Nov. 4 general election between Democratic Larry Scapecchi and Republican David Morgan as a choice between a veteran insider and a more educated outsider. Emails and flyers have attacked Morgan for being from Missouri, having shifty eyes and singing in bars with Vietnamese women. Yes, the attacks are that bizarre. To date, we haven't seen any such smears against Scapecchi, which leads many to believe that people inside the ECSO have had a hand in the attacks. It's unfortunate that good deputies are being lumped together with those who use bigotry and fear to hold on to their power.

    Stupid Morgan propaganda!...Certainly not from the real paper.

  3. #3

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Apparently no one at the InWeekly felt in necessary to read the offense report generated by PPD. They should have. It clearly explains that Morgan was aware of the flyer as he had been approached by a member supporting his campaign who had provided assistance to Farrington in producing the flyer

    See for yourself. You can read the entire report via this link from the PNJ:

    Not only did the Morgan supporters try to mislead folks, you now have the InWeekly doing the same. Tabloid trash at its finest. Both groups knew (or should have known) this incidents did not involve anyone associated with the Scapecchi campaign.

    Larry will be getting my vote on November 4th. Vote Smart. Vote

  4. #4

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Outzen’s remarks in his “Winners and Losers’ column in this weeks issue of the Independent is a perfect example of yellow journalism.

    Outzen is obviously biased in the Sheriffs race. He endorsed Morgan in the primary and now it appears he is going to slant any story about Morgan and Scapecchi to make Scapecchi and the employees of the Sheriff’s office who support him as being the ones responsible for the smut flyer.

    Outzen’s editorial is a direct slap in the face to those employees who support Sapepechi because of honorable reasons and not because of those he wrote and described as “those who use bigotry and fear to hold on to their power”. He is also very un-informed or he would know that a number of employees who were McNesby’s right hand “enforcers” have migrated to Morgans camp after Scapecchi told them he would not make any deals with them for their support. One of Outzen’s favorite fans who use to write him regularly in defense of McNesby, Rex , has even been reported as being seen at one of Morgan’s recent meetings.

    If Outzen wanted to print the truth about who is behind the Smut letter all he had to do was as pointed out int the previous post was to read the recent stories printed about it in his completion paper and there the reporter gave a less biased story and reported Scapecchi’s denial that he had anything to do with it. . If Outzen took the time to read the many words written about the subject on the LEOA web site he would also have a clue that the material is coming from one who was a McNesby supporter and has a personal ax to grind with Morgan and is not any way contacted to the Sheriffs office or to Scapecchi.

    Outzen even had the audacity to report that “we haven't seen any such smears against Scapecchi”. The blogs that are not censored like his are, have been inundated with scurrilous attacks against Scapecchi by Morgan supporters.

    The truest statement that Outzen wrote was, “There is a definite effort to set up the Nov. 4 general election between Democratic Larry Scapecchi and Republican David Morgan as a choice between a veteran insider and a more educated outsider”. The only thing wrong that statement is that it too is slanted as he made sure to emphasize the part about being a “veteran insider” and a “more educated outsider” as that is Morgan’s primary campaign platform and theme. Outzen didn’t mention that Scapecchi’s and most of the employees ( probably over 90%) feel that being an insider is an asset for a lot of reasons that thousand of words have already been blogged about. On the contrary being an outsider is not necessarily a good thing as also discussed for weeks on the blogs.

    Another way that Outzen has to “control” what is public on his paper is to place items like this attack on Scapecchi on one of his columns that does not allow for a reader to respond like it would if he made the same comments on the “Blog” part of his on line edition. He’s guaranteed to get in the last word in that fashion, and guaranteed that only the persons who read the hard copy of his paper would read his slant in the story.

    Another “yellow journalism” tactic.

  5. #5

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Read the writing on the wall. People really should know when they are conquered...

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    True... but Morgan just wont quit, even in the face of defeat. Guess he'll have to go down in flames.

  7. #7

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Both Morgan and Scapecchi were endorsed by the IN News in the primary. I don't think that they've endorsed anyone in the general.

    Isn't it true that the suspect who put out the flyers gave money to Morgan? What's up with that?

  8. #8

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Larry, Red, McNesby and Rex can answer all your questions about the flyers. They are the executive committee of the dirty tricks squad. They have brought shame upon all of you at the ECSO.

  9. #9

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Larry, Red, McNesby and Rex can answer all your questions about the flyers. They are the executive committee of the dirty tricks squad. They have brought shame upon all of you at the ECSO.
    To think Morgan convinced the Indepenent that Larry was involved in the "Dirty Tricks" is jut one more lie coming from the Morgan camp.

  10. #10

    Re: Dirty Tricks

    Larry knew. It's in the report. Red told him about the flyers. Larry did nothing to stop him. You turkeys really think that anyone believes that Morgan is responsible in any way for your campaign's slime machine tactics? Lied about Boggon and Preyer? How's that gents? Did he say they were homicides? That they were due to policy failings? That they are expensive lawsuits? That he holds the administration responsible? Because all of those statements are indisputable facts and that is what Morgan has ALWAYS said. No lies there. Some of you are so demented you wouldn't vote for Morgan if he walked on water and Larry grew horns and changed his name to Harry. But that won't stop the voters from electing in an honorable man whose campaign has been to tell the truth about the ECSO from day one. Morgan will forgive you for supporting other candidates but someday you will be held accountable by a higher authority for your sins in this campaign.

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