Negotiation Update
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Negotiation Update

    On 9/23/08, the FOP met with Julie Upman and her team to discuss article re-openers and
    a wage increase for both contracts. Since the FOP is limited to opening wages and 2 re-opener’s,
    the following was presented for consideration:
    The FOP presented three changes/proposals for consideration: 1) a general wage increase
    of 4%, 2) a 20% increase to vendors concerning off-duty details. The 20% increase was
    proposed to be made into a direct contribution to FRS for retirement calculations and, 3) Shift
    bidding for contract cities.
    Ms. Upman did not have any proposals for the FOP, but took our proposals and stated
    that she would examine their content and get back with us. Because Ms. Upman will be
    unavailable next week and needed appropriate time to respond, she requested the next meeting to
    be held on Monday 10/20/08 at PCSO Administration Building, Second Floor, at 1330 hours in
    the Investigative Division Conference Room. Ms. Upman said that she would be able to respond
    to the proposals at that time. Although the FOP desired to meet before 10/20/08, this was the
    first available date/time that Ms. Upman and her team were available.
    No other information was exchanged during the meeting concerning any other issues not
    stated above. There was no discussion about the financial position of the Sheriff or any
    discussion concerning the possibility of raises. However, as stated above, we should have an
    answer on 10/20/08.
    If you can attend, please feel free to come to the next session on 10/20/08. All are
    welcome to attend and I encourage you to see what the process consists of."

    Stay Safe,


  2. #2

    Re: Negotiation Update

    Blow your "negotiation" out your azz. The FOP couldnt negotiate the purchase of fat pencils for a kindergarden class let alone a massive agency contract. Stall, whine, excuses, stall, blame Julie, stall, blame Coats, stall, stall, stall, add some frivolous bad ideas to suit a team member, and Ta Da!!!! Nothing at all! Read my lips, Dee-Cert-I-Fick-ation, can you say decertification? I knew that you could. It's coming FOP. Hopefully before Ken Afienko costs us another $30,000 on a crap lawsuit to justify his existence.

  3. #3

    Re: Negotiation Update

    Please check out the rumor that The Sheriff has Mama Tee working with him in south St.Pete. I know that you will post the truth. There has been more than one witness to her putting out Coats campaign signs. This is very important to all of us. This really scares me Rich. I have a source that even gave me people to talk to in south St Pete. I cannot give my source but if you ask him about I can the area.


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