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Thread: Chad

  1. #21

    Re: Chad

    What's funny is the "buddies" today can be the outcast tomarrow, remember that if you are the ones being taken care of today, theres a price to pay for the favor.. and figure it out...There are alot of good hardworking deserving people that go no-where.. and that's where the rub is.. And if people don't work hard and don't go the extra mile then they do not deserve a shot at a transfer, ... I don't see any whining here I see people recognising the obvious. I think the dept as a whole is great but I think decision making about transfers ( not just this recent round but others as well) was more politically motivated than it was based on the needs of the dept. and community. [quote=Anonymous]
    Quote Originally Posted by transfers typo
    not impressed with the transfers... It's back to the "take care of my buddies" policy. Feel sorry for the citizens who have to rely "on the talent" of those in the specialized units
    Quote Originally Posted by transfer
    not impressed with the transfers... It's back to the "take care of my buddies" policy. Feel sorry for the citizens who have to realy "on the talent" of those in the specialized units.
    Quote Originally Posted by "told ya":5ygddvno
    So, how does everyone feel about the transfers? They were for the good of the department, ONLY the best officer was moved to a spot where he/she could do the most good for the City. Oh yeah and NO transfers were done from Special unit to special unit, Patrol gets first crack at the opening, this will be true. Right?
    Stop your whining just because you didn't get transferred.[/quote:5ygddvno]

  2. #22

    getting the job done

    Leadership starts at the top.. it's hard to rally the troops when the leader does not demonstrate they are on the side of the troops as a whole, (not just certain "friends") Read any management book,.. The group as a whole will take on the personality of the leader,.. I'm not saying we give up, but the leaders have to be involved in the good of everyone. The troops have to try and keep high morale and ethics with or without the support of the leaders.
    Quote Originally Posted by DUH
    yEAH, it's whining when you dont get transfered and it bragging when you do. The best Ofc. for the job has not been used in years. Lets face it, The City is slipping out of our hands becuase we lost the PRIDE we once had. Crime is get bad and we just watch unless pushed to do somthing. We have the "Let the other guy arrest him, I got a detail today". We all guilty. The queston is how we gonna turn this place around? Or are you guys just gonna "slam each other"?

  3. #23
    I do have a slight problem with some people who have spent only about 10% of their careers in patrol handling calls and being a "slave to the radio." As far as I'm concerned patrol is the only portion of this department that is held accountable to work every day. These people that have been blessed their whole career are transferred from specialized unit to specialized unit because they are considered to be the best cops around. Let's see how much police work they can produce when the have to handle a zone. Wait till these guys have to show up RIGHT WHEN LINEUP STARTS and not get into the city whenever they feel like it. Hey motors write 12 tickets in a half-an-hour and call it a day, NTL's use your special invisible powers, VIN... what do you do, SRO's hide in your office and say that if it happens on the sidewalk it's not school grounds, K-9... 10-6 "training", and my favorite STREET CRIMES... I guess since the took Meletich out of the homeless spot somebody's got to deal with the vagrants.

  4. #24


    There is some truth to what you say but there are a few people that have been in specialized units most of their careers because they did a good job. I don't have a problem someone who really works hard going from specialized unit to specialized unit. And there are/were a few of those hardworking persons. And there was a time when NTL's handled all the vagrant calls (and actually did something about it) and when street crimes took pride in doing operation reindeer and caught robbers and burglars, and I can't speak for all sro's, but in certain schools, you can see a difference in the surrounding zone of a school when the SRO is removed, or when a good SRO is replaced with just any warm body. Maybe being in a specialized unit where you are not required to work hard is a "blessing".. but it is work all the same if you are required to work hard. If being in a specialized unit does not require hard work and commitment then that is the supervisors fault. Motors.. hmmm, when they were required to do accidents I think they were a blessing to all of road patrol, now, they have a purpose, it's just not as beneficial to road patrol . Vin, again hmmm, I've been told the network center was built with the funds that they brought in, but yes I know, that was awhile ago, the old crew..
    Quote Originally Posted by PATROLman
    I do have a slight problem with some people who have spent only about 10% of their careers in patrol handling calls and being a "slave to the radio." As far as I'm concerned patrol is the only portion of this department that is held accountable to work every day. These people that have been blessed their whole career are transferred from specialized unit to specialized unit because they are considered to be the best cops around. Let's see how much police work they can produce when the have to handle a zone. Wait till these guys have to show up RIGHT WHEN LINEUP STARTS and not get into the city whenever they feel like it. Hey motors write 12 tickets in a half-an-hour and call it a day, NTL's use your special invisible powers, VIN... what do you do, SRO's hide in your office and say that if it happens on the sidewalk it's not school grounds, K-9... 10-6 "training", and my favorite STREET CRIMES... I guess since the took Meletich out of the homeless spot somebody's got to deal with the vagrants.

  5. #25
    Ok, now were getting some wher. We all agree that transfers should be by "the job you do" not who you know. And that the leadership has been, well, needs to step it up. Ok Officers, someone send this to the Staff so they know our feelings. The Chief on down needs to stop transfering on "buds" to untis and give all of us a chance. This stuff about running to the City Manager to get a transfer also if the Chief had a SET should of told the Manager to back off. But he is a poser so I guess we got to live with it. But we can change! We must! or we will crumble, again....

  6. #26

    Re: Chad

    Once again I will repay the ones who I can control I must have leaders that will support me first and the department second.

  7. #27

    Re: Chad

    Whats the Chiefs take on the contract?

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