FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    The monthly meeting was held tonight at the lodge. Some highlights:

    No new applications for FOP membership this month.

    Per Car 1 no raises this year. Next year there is a possible ¼ to ½ percent increase. Time will tell for sure.

    December 14th will be the Kids Holiday Party.

    January 17th will be the Banquet.

    The 2 openers for negotiations will be bidding for shift and inconsistencies with City bids and attempting to have Off Duty Detail pay added to FRS benefits.

    FOP asked the Sheriff for Management rights for Sgt-s and Lt-s and were told absolutely not.

    SPPD ratified the contract for their Sgt-s and Lt-s.

    Membership voted to endorse Nancy Bostock Candidate for County Commission.

    Members sent back the forms that were mailed out indicating their choice for Sheriff.
    241 for Jim Coats, 77 for Randall Jones, 20 no votes (Did not want either).

    Dan also mentioned that Jones had been invited to the Lodge several times and never responded.

    One member brought up the new PAT as a potential issue for negotiation. The board advised they had already decided the 2 openers and the PAT was not on the list. The member has had some recent health problems and was concerned about passing the PAT.

    Brother Stan Gams was good enough to offer to bring the member out to the PAT course so he could get an idea of his time before being due for In Service Training.

    Stay safe,


  2. #2

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    Hey Rich,

    Could you mention this to the FOP. Instead of wages as we all now we are not getting any increase this year, how bout a step plan as I know many of us would like to be top out someday. We have all notice that over the past few years, we have gotten across the board/base increases which means I along with many others, are still technically at the same step as we were few years ago. Few more years of this and many of us will be 10-13 year Deputies at 5 year Deputy pay. Pretty messed up if you ask me.

    I know many of us don't understand the issue with Bidding being a top priority. I like the idea of off-Duty Details as part of FRS. Just some suggestions from what I hear on the streets.

  3. #3

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    Concerned Deputy no one said cops are the brightest bulbs but the members voted 241 for Jim Coats, 77 for Randall Jones, 20 no votes (Did not want either).

    If you where one of the people who voted coats done B&$^%. Just get back in your car and go to work. If you do not like it get another job.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    You're not the 1st to ask about the step plan for pay. I'll ask and get back to you bro.

    Stay safe,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    Rich, why are we limited to only two openers? I don't remember being asked for input on what us members would like the topics to be.

    One thing I still have an issue with is being stuck on standby on my days off, not being to do much, and not getting a thing for it. I'd like to atleast get a couple hours of comp time, anything is better than nothing. They are restricting what we do by keeping us on the hook waiting for the phone to ring. We can't venture too far from home. I rarely ever get a call saying I'm released. Example, on both days off this week, I am on standby. So I can't go fishing or do much unless they call and release me. PCSO is one of the few local agencies not to give some type of compensation for court standby.

    Maybe in addition to an email information system, they could set up online polls or something so the members can log in and atleast voice our opinions so the leaders of the FOP can atleast try to represent the issues the members want addressed.

    Thanks Rich.

  6. #6

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    PBA is the way to go!!!! The members of the PBA actually have a voice and say in what goes on, unlike the FOP you don't have to be a drinking buddy to have a voice in what goes on. I'm sure that if a vote was taken as to whether or not the FOP members wanted shift bidding to be changed the majority would say NO! But that doesn't matter because one person has a problem w/ it, so lets just screw everyone else.

  7. #7

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    I'm tired of the FOP too! I'm jumpin ship bros, and swimmin' to the PBA. :cop:

    See ya!!

  8. #8

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    As a member I don’t think the FOP has credibility. We endorse Pik first without a vote by members and now you tell we are endorsing the Sheriff. Why do we endorse the man that has hurt us for years? Why did we mention Randall Jones after he said he wanted his name removed because of the way we endorse Pik. We look like a club of drunks in my opinion. I'm off to the PBA. Thanks for the help Rich. I'm considering Jones because of the fact we know that Coats is not going to help us.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Sorry for any confusion about a possible official endorsement of either Jones or Coats. The mailers that went out were to gauge members opinions on several candidates. All the way from President of the US down to several County positions. IT IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FOP ENDORSEMENT. Dan explained that we would not be endorsing anyone unless they requested our endorsement and it was voted on by members. Neither candidate has requested an endorsement. Randall has apparently been invited to the Lodge several times and has not responded to the invitations nor has he shown up.

    Nancy Bostock spoke at the meeting this week, asked for our endorsement and members then voted in favor of it.

    Stay safe,


  10. #10

    Re: FOP Meeting Tonight (Tuesday)

    Bidding for the City? Please tell me when we've lost 60 some odd people we're going to the Sheriff with more than wanting to bid for city positions!? You know its something they'd either leave up to or include the cities in deciding. Once the cities find out someone with tenure and a lazy streak could end up as their guy they're not going for it either. Don't get me wrong, been to the cities and back so I'm NOT afraid of losing something I don't have or want. But really, Hey Sheriff I know times are so tight we're recruiting for HCSO by using our own people but can we bid for the cities?

    And you wonder why there were no new applications for consideration at the meeting. Guess your dues money is only good once its aged.

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