Chief Hernandez's Last Day - Page 4
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  1. #31

    KP Huh !

    When it comes to KP.. "I am so stressed out.. I may quit!.. Please we ALL know how and why he was promoted... it was even told to ALL of US in rollcall... how embarrsaing! Or how about, lets send him to HR and be the CITY INVEST. to help his friend BH ! Please .. get a real job on your own! It was also nice of him to show up at the shooting!!!! A REAL LEADER... NOT !!!

  2. #32

    KP a leader?

    Here are some quotes from a leadership article and what traits a leader should possess:

    Leaders are passionate. They are enthusiastic about their work and they even have the ability to rub this energy off on their followers.

    No one respects KP nor does he have the ability to inspire anyone to do anything! He fails the passionate test.

    If people are to follow you then as a leader you need to be courageous. Leaders are brave when they confront risks and the unknown. The ultimate test of a leader’s courage is also the courage to be open. When looking at developing leadership skills, do you have the courage to speak up on things that matter?

    KP goes along to get along; he does not speak up when el heffa is doing the wrong thing. He is seen as a coward amongst the ranks.
    He fails the courageous test.

    Developing People
    Developing people whether by training, coaching or teaching them is one of the main traits of a good leader. No one can achieve organization goals alone. The team is needed in order to achieve them. Leaders develop the people to build a stronger team so that the organization is effective.

    No one strives to be like KP. He does not desire to develop anyone and no one sees him as an example to follow. He fails the development test.

  3. #33

    Oh I am so stressed !

    Very well said ! How come "we" see these things and others cannot. Real leaders that are brave in diversity and are not afraid to stand up to whats right and admit when they are wrong. They dont hide and go for rides when stressed! Lets see what issues and problems some of our staff has stood for... HMMMMM...Nothing. ! I can think of several issues in past that people have stood up for no matter what the outcome. A Scott incidents, Death of Mayors Wife, Medical Examiner, J Gamerl, T Ortega, and many others that are documented by those with the proper ethics and fortitude to do whats right. Step up people.. !

  4. #34

    K.P for Chief

    Why are all of you player hating KP ? Yes we know how and why he got the position that he has and we all know that he's a wimp. But, i gotta give him credit for dressing up his resume to be the next Chief when Ralph is finally kicked out. Player hate all you want he's getting paid BIG BUCKS and has pretty much locked himself in for the next Chiefs position. Everyone knows that NMB'S M.O has always been its not what you know, its who's ace youv'e sucked up to. :mrgreen:

  5. #35

    Yep thats right

    Yep thats right, no ethics, no hands on experience, no common sense, just collecting the big bucks for what ? Oh I know... because I am of COLOR and a minority. I almost forgot why I was promoted... thanks LL .
    Oh Gd, I am so stressed, time to go for a ride and clear my head. NMB will never change with this regime!

  6. #36

    The Staff

    I believe that our Majors excluding KK have spoken to the Chief and tried to stick up for us. I believe that Leo and the Captains have done the same. I unequivocally believe speaking to this Chief is similar to having a conversation with a piece of grass. I have faith the Council will unequivocally Fire him. I want to be there and would like an invitation from the Council. Chief your just plain stupid. Chief, YOU unequivocally type like a retard and show your stupidity in what you write.

  7. #37

    Re: Chief Hernandez's Last Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Elmer
    Tomorrow, July 03, 2008 will be Chief Hernandez's Last Day. Nice Knowing.
    Well, I am still here and loving the fact that most, if not all of you, have finally acquiesced to my leadership! Now I can devote all my energy and intellect to molding this police agency into a lean crime fighting machine! I truly look forward to leading you find LEOs into a threshold of policing you’ve never imagined capable of attaining! Just follow me!

  8. #38

    Re: Chief Hernandez's Last Day

    The truth is... he will be around a long time as NMB and the Union are just a bunch of hot air. You had a great chance with SGT. MM incident and you guys and gals all buckeled. All talk and no action! So SAD ! You allowed his crap to overshadow the TRUTH ! Afternoons should have said to Chief... "thanks lay your badge down and we will turn it in... see ya"!

  9. #39

    Re: Chief Hernandez's Last Day

    You are correct, it is everyone's fault.

    The simple fact of the matter is that NMB has too many selfish, backstabbing, me-first cops to ever have a strong, organized and unified union. Self interest always seems to trump doing the right thing around here. VA or MP could make a strong stand against the city and we would all cheer, but just as soon as the admin responded by attacking and destroying VA and MP we would all shrink back into our chairs like cowards and thank God that we were not VA or MP. Too many cops at NMB want someone else to fight their battles for them because they don't have the balls or the ovaries to fight battles for themself. That is the truth, whether we cowards want to admit it or not. ops:

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