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Thread: Defend This

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Collier County

    Re: Defend This

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar Daddy
    Did anyone see the quick cover up on the intranet notice board. Seems a commander and a luitenant have a motorcycle club made up of LEO's firefighters and the like but they don't allow women. Gee I think this may be a good ole boys club. I guess their wifes are to stay barefoot and pregnant.
    Well apparently some female LEO's tried to join but they would only be asscoiate members, only the males are full members.
    Hey! You are the condo commando that goes around your neighborhood and complains that people's roofs are dirty and they parked on the street over night, right? OMG, call the governator!! How about saying something positive for a change there, Nancy. I will say something positive about you: Your Mazda Miata was very clean and shiny that I saw you driving in with your guy "friend." You looked like you were on your way to watch the sunset while the rest of us were out catching bad guys.

  2. #12

    Re: Defend This

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar Daddy
    Did anyone see the quick cover up on the intranet notice board. Seems a commander and a luitenant have a motorcycle club made up of LEO's firefighters and the like but they don't allow women. Gee I think this may be a good ole boys club. I guess their wifes are to stay barefoot and pregnant.
    Well apparently some female LEO's tried to join but they would only be asscoiate members, only the males are full members.

    This is NOT an agency group just because a couple of deputies are members. Our agency members are Lion, Kiwanians and dozens of others groups. That does not make them agency groups. Ortino is a Knigh of Columbus. Does that make it a PI organization? What a sign of desperation. You clowns are just grabbing for anything you can. Get over it.
    KR is not responsible for everything agency members do on their own time. Quit using that on every post. If Ortino thinks he will have control over what we do and don't do on our time......never mind. No sense in even going there. There is no way he will EVER be Collier's Top Cop.

  3. #13

    Re: Defend This

    This post was removed by Mod 167. The Terms of Use are very specific about advertising on this web site: this includes all forms of political advertisements.

    This policy will be enforced for all political canidates.

    Mod 167

  4. #14

    Re: Defend This

    Quote Originally Posted by Guestagain
    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar Daddy
    Did anyone see the quick cover up on the intranet notice board. Seems a commander and a luitenant have a motorcycle club made up of LEO's firefighters and the like but they don't allow women. Gee I think this may be a good ole boys club. I guess their wifes are to stay barefoot and pregnant.
    Well apparently some female LEO's tried to join but they would only be asscoiate members, only the males are full members.

    This is NOT an agency group just because a couple of deputies are members. Our agency members are Lion, Kiwanians and dozens of others groups. That does not make them agency groups. Ortino is a Knigh of Columbus. Does that make it a PI organization? What a sign of desperation. You clowns are just grabbing for anything you can. Get over it.
    KR is not responsible for everything agency members do on their own time. Quit using that on every post. If Ortino thinks he will have control over what we do and don't do on our time......never mind. No sense in even going there. There is no way he will EVER be Collier's Top Cop.
    Apparently you can’t comprehend what you read, as there was nothing in my post about KR of VO or anything about the election. The simple truth is your group cannot handle the truth.
    Why would a commander and a lieutenant who are held to higher morals start an all male dominated club? There is only one answer to that bigotry.
    As far as the other posts calling me a condo commander driving to a sunset with my male friend just confirms the bigotry is wide spread.
    So guestagain think before you write BS as you do.

  5. #15
    Member LEO Affairs Rookie
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Defend This

    I would like to add my 2 cents....

    Your whining rants about not allowing women to join a particular group, smacks exactly what's wrong with this country....POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (i.e. Liberalism) I'm soooooo sick and tired of the minority crying foul, and the majority catering to someone because their "feelings got hurt" ThisBullcrap is running amok in this country and it is slowly but surely destroying it. Why do we feel the need to cater to every whining SOB who demands things....such as:

    .....lets be sensitive to Illegals so we don't offend
    .....let's support gay marriage so we don't offend
    ......let's not offend Muslims
    ......let's remove in God We Trust so we don't offend

    I could go on and on...but it's only supposed to be 2 cents worth of an useless opinion. (phew, that feels better)

    Now, I am not in a motorcycle club, however....If you do not like the rules DON'T PLAY THE GAME! now run along and go hug a tree.

  6. #16

    Re: Defend This

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and post a portion of the "D"clubs By-laws and simply change the words male or female to (Add gender, race or religion here). A simple switch of gender to (race or religion) reference. This may seem rediculous or taboo but is it? Mod167 this isn't about race or religion but I wanted to show something to think about, perhaps spawn sensible discussion about what's right and wrong, not legal or illegal. I apologize if you feel it needs to be removed but I'm pretty sure it's ok for posting.

    The D Motorcycle Club, Inc. (***) was founded in June 2004 as an independent, non-profit, (Insert your preferred race or religion here) social club. It was established to provide the opportunity for increased camaraderie between current and retired law enforcement officers, military personnel, emergency services personnel and select citizenry, who enjoy riding motorcycles and attending motorcycling related events. The *** and Chapter rides and events are intended to promote safe activities that will appeal to the membership as a whole. Any member may suggest ideas for rides or events. The D Motorcycle Club, Inc. is one club, with chapters in various locations. All chapters shall be governed by and subject to the authority of the National Executive Board.

    ARTICLE 3:

    Active Members: Membership in the *** is open to all (Insert your preferred race or religion here) active and retired law enforcement officers, military personnel, emergency services personnel, and select citizenry who have been sponsored by an active member in good standing. All active members will be required to comply with these By-Laws and all future amendments.
    Membership of each D Chapter must be maintained as a majority of Law Enforcement Officers, Public Safety Professionals, and Military as compared to its civilian membership. The chapter executive board will be responsible for maintaining this ratio of membership. The National Executive Board will ensure all chapters comply with this provision.

    Associate Members: Associate membership by (Insert your non-preferred race or religion here) is permitted, but shall be limited to the (Insert your non-preferred race or religion here) FRIEND or “good buddy” or (BRO) of an active member in good standing. All associate members will be required to comply with these By-Laws and all future amendments. Upon the termination of a relationship (Insert your preferred race or religion here) patched member will be responsible for collecting the patches from his (Insert your non-preferred race or religion) friend/significant other that he sponsored as an associate member. That (former) associate member may not be sponsored again by another patched member.


    I understand the point of your original post but I felt that too many persons would twist what you were trying to show into a race issue. In the spirirt of trying to keep your post alive and still prove your point, I have edited some areas (In red) to make it more "General" and less subjective to criticism.

    Thanks for offering a different prespective to the discussion!

    Mod 167

  7. #17

    Re: Defend This

    Thanks for "tidying up" the posting Mod 167. I'm glad you were up late to see it before most others could. Your editing still alows the point to be seen but in a more approprate fashion. I just didn't have the brain power tonight to word it right.
    The main idea is that when the selected items are changed that the By-law would seem "shocking" and innapropriate but for some reason the present version is accepted by the majority or at least those interested in the club. Weird stuff to think about.
    This is no dig on that club. I know a few members and they are outstanding people. I just took a few minutes to put myself in the shoes of those who might have wanted to be a real member but were dissapointed to discover they could not.
    Any thoughts from the masses? serious ones?

  8. #18

    Re: Defend This

    The Officer who shot the scum bag is a male not a female

  9. #19

    Re: Defend This

    Quote Originally Posted by Fmpd Officer
    The Officer who shot the scum bag is a male not a female
    Why let facts get in the way of a BS argument?

  10. #20

    Re: Defend This

    What difference does it make what gender the officer who shot the scumbag was ... bottom line is this ( which ever gender) he or she did their job and performed their duty as an LEO. We are glad the scumbag is dead! They did their jobs....Now, back to the sexist Defenders in this thread...I have worked for a very long time in this agency and have experience sexism, prejudice and "good ole boy" crap for years...So this defender stuff doesnt surprise me in the least. It's really a shame that this agency has not progressed and moved forward to get rid of that crap. (There are sexists at every rank and file in the CCSO) All I can hope for is that we old timer females are making it better for the younger females

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