Is Cameron above The Hatch?
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  1. #1

    Is Cameron above The Hatch?

    Wanted to start a thread to discuss this topic as Naples' Kevin Rambosk has resigned the very same CEO position Cameron was conveniently given as a result of U.S. Office of Special Council's confirming him in violation. "Rather than persue disiplinary action against you at this time, we are providing you an opportunity to come into compliance with the law." Rambosk did just that. Sun states Cameron --refuses to do the same because of this big bad law that is intrusive to him. What should we think about this?

  2. #2
    I think Cameron should do the same thing and step down. How many times are we told that we are held to a higher standard????? Lead by example!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Punta Gorda
    Isn't he breaking the law by not stepping down? This is complicated case law....

  4. #4

    Billy boy

    Well if he is refusing to follow the law now imagine what will happen when he gains more power if he is elected. Will he be out of control if he refuses to let the law control him now?

  5. #5


    Gimme a an F'n break, the Hatch act is a joke and everyonbe knows it. It was not intended for local Sheriff elections and the public isnt that stupid. You freakin retards need to saddleup a different horse, cuz this one aint winnin. Cameron is way way better than Worch and we all know it.. If Cameron doesnt win, I'm outta here, back to the dark ages. We need someone with some common sense and decency, and it isnt that bride buying pedophile Worch.

  6. #6
    Dont let the door hit you in the azz. Loyalty should be to your follow officers and not just who is sheriff.

  7. #7

    We will overcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Dont let the door hit you in the azz. Loyalty should be to your follow officers and not just who is sheriff.
    Wow, you know that is like the first time in these posts someone actually hit the nail on the head. Thanks! We need to remember that whomever is at the helm of this ship, it's the shipmates that need to work together to make this department successful. I agree it is important to have the best leader possible but since it’s the general public that chooses him we have to live with their decision and make the best of it. To say, I'm out of here just because your choice lost is infantile. Remember, elections come every four years. You might have to just hang on for that time and wait for a new leader to make life more tolerable

  8. #8

    C'mons post

    Hey C'mon guest---is the Hatch law a joke to you because it doesn't suit you or your favored choice Cammy? The public is not as stupid as you proport. They decide who runs this agency and and we the CCSO are a HUGE JOKE on a national level in the eyes of many with what goes on here. Just keep adding to the recent heaps of disgrace and shame. Should laws only apply to some law abiding LEO's but not others whose only defense is to use rediculous slander like calling someone a pedophile? I think you need to leave the dept. now, why wait? You sound like a real ignorant loose canon liability with your mouth. We need to wise up to get any respect.

  9. #9


    They decide who runs this agency and and we the CCSO are a HUGE JOKE on a national level in the eyes of many with what goes on here.
    Ah yes, CCSO is a joke, and the idiots that work there are the punch line!! No common sense, no people skills, an accumulation of rejects that couldnt get hired anywhere else. It's weird, you cross that county line at Sarasota and it's like someone turns on the retard switch. I dont get it. But, it is what it is...very sad!!

  10. #10
    Ah yes, CCSO is a joke, and the idiots that work there are the punch line!!
    I don't who you are talking about but...
    Number one I hope you do not work for this agency
    Number two if you really think SOME of us Deputies are a joke, step out from behind that keyboard and I would be happy to show you that this Deputy is NO JOKE. I CHOOSE to work here, could have work at the NYPD just as easy, but wanted to raise my family down here.
    So step up and tell me who you are and I would be happy to discuss this with you one on one.

    This is the problem....Cops (Deputies) do not stick together, if they did we would have alot more power.

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