Lt. Cabrera - Page 3
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Thread: Lt. Cabrera

  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    He has been very fair to the membership when it comes to discipline and other issues. He is in a position that the administration would love to pressure or persuade him in doing things that wouldn't be fair to our rank and file.

  2. #22
    Cabrera is a baker. But, Ortiz is right. He has been fair. This place tried to screw me and he actually took a stand on my reprimand when they weren't being fair.

  3. #23

    Lt. Luis Cabrera

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Own one this one couldn't run one he would have to ask Ronald McDonald every time if it was okay to sell a burger without mustard. He is so far up everyone's a$$ it's not funny, he thinks he can play the whole field and please both sides. He is up the D/C a$$ and then the FOP's a$$, then up each commissioner's a$$. The real Cabrea was Emilo he owns the stores this one owns chap stick so his lips don't dry out.
    The Lt. Cabrera that owns about 15 McDonald was Lt. Emilio Cabrera and he left about 20 years ago!! :lol: the Lt. you all are talking about is Luis Cabrera and you are absoulutely right!!! the guy is a kiss ass and has never been a police officer in his life, all he does is rub shoulders with the commissioners and the Mayor and also he is a snitch, so wath out!!! because he is a snake!!!

  4. #24
    if thats the case good for him, LT please dont become another one of the
    idiots you can be a leader with out the complex some others have.

  5. #25

    top man

    Lt. cabrera has money he owns lots of properties. By the way he will be brass & he took care of us in PST. Lt. don't change **** all these haters full of envy.

  6. #26

    Re: Lt. Luis Cabrera

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinetera
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Own one this one couldn't run one he would have to ask Ronald McDonald every time if it was okay to sell a burger without mustard. He is so far up everyone's a$$ it's not funny, he thinks he can play the whole field and please both sides. He is up the D/C a$$ and then the FOP's a$$, then up each commissioner's a$$. The real Cabrea was Emilo he owns the stores this one owns chap stick so his lips don't dry out.
    The Lt. Cabrera that owns about 15 McDonald was Lt. Emilio Cabrera and he left about 20 years ago!! :lol: the Lt. you all are talking about is Luis Cabrera and you are absoulutely right!!! the guy is a kiss ass and has never been a police officer in his life, all he does is rub shoulders with the commissioners and the Mayor and also he is a snitch, so wath out!!! because he is a snake!!!
    Emilio was a working cop. he was envolved in a shooting where an old man chased the old wife down the street firing a gun at her. He and his partner dropped grandpa, but grandma died anyway waiting for rescue. Your back was qru with emilio on your scene. And when he made rank, he wasn't reprimand happy either.

  7. #27
    Well that is not our Cabrera. Ours is power hungry and scared of B.K.
    Heck,he be scared of his shadow,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. #28


    What a bunch of winers and cry babies. What happened to being stand up and not handing other people up? As Police Officers our morals and character should be an example to the rest of the world and not any one Chief, Member of Staff or individual out there should ever have the power to change that in you. I know what you guys are thinking what a kiss ass etc. do boy company man, etc... But I can assure you there is nothing further from the truth, I come to work every day, just like you and have been for over 25 years. I am a grinder, I do what I am supposed to and at the end of the shift I go home. One of the first things you learn in Police work is that you backup your people first and above all and if there is a wrinkle about something you iron it out privately immediately after the problem is dealt with. But from reading all these post I sense that some of you are AFRAID to speak your mind. We should not be attacking each other and airing our laundry to the rest of the world. We should do something about it, if you think you can do a better job, STUDY and get promoted. That is how the guys that are running things did it. They are not any better than you or smarter as many of you noted. Be the Man/Woman run with the ball. But don't sit here and wine about this guy or the other, and don't sit there and say you don't want it, because you know you do. If not you would not be *****ing about. If you don't like it here then leave. There are plenty of other Police Departments that will hire you. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because you will never make the $$$ we make here. THIS IS NOT A BAD JOB. FORGET THE POLITICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THE WORK AND TAKING CARE OF ONE ANOTHER, WE ARE ALL BLUE, WE BLEED THE SAME.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by ABrotheCop
    What a bunch of winers and cry babies. What happened to being stand up and not handing other people up? As Police Officers our morals and character should be an example to the rest of the world and not any one Chief, Member of Staff or individual out there should ever have the power to change that in you. I know what you guys are thinking what a kiss ass etc. do boy company man, etc... But I can assure you there is nothing further from the truth, I come to work every day, just like you and have been for over 25 years. I am a grinder, I do what I am supposed to and at the end of the shift I go home. One of the first things you learn in Police work is that you backup your people first and above all and if there is a wrinkle about something you iron it out privately immediately after the problem is dealt with. But from reading all these post I sense that some of you are AFRAID to speak your mind. We should not be attacking each other and airing our laundry to the rest of the world. We should do something about it, if you think you can do a better job, STUDY and get promoted. That is how the guys that are running things did it. They are not any better than you or smarter as many of you noted. Be the Man/Woman run with the ball. But don't sit here and wine about this guy or the other, and don't sit there and say you don't want it, because you know you do. If not you would not be *****ing about. If you don't like it here then leave. There are plenty of other Police Departments that will hire you. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because you will never make the $$$ we make here. THIS IS NOT A BAD JOB. FORGET THE POLITICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THE WORK AND TAKING CARE OF ONE ANOTHER, WE ARE ALL BLUE, WE BLEED THE SAME.

  10. #30
    Ustedes better leave Louis alone cause he destine for greatness at MPD. When the new chief comes,he will be a major and u haters will cry!

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