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Thread: :(

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BS
    The only way that the hodgie story could have been stopped would be in a communist controlled media. Some rich a$# hole who had money and connections, a good attorney and a private investigator was behind this. Nobody else. Sorry it happened, but no big deal. Small speck in the big picture that isn't even visible anymore.

    No the only way the hodgie story would have stopped was not to commit a crime.

  2. #22
    How is it a theft if the owner, The City of Clearwater, was never deprived of the use of the computer? What law was broken by moving a computer from one station to another?

    Bad decision? Yes.
    Violate some minute policy somewhere? Possibly.
    Break the law? Please explain.

  3. #23
    You know it’s unbelievable that this is even in the news. Why is it now a days the Police have to be painted in a bad light every chance the media gets? Fitton and Borys are fat rich a##holes that were violating an noise ordinance and were being disrespectful to the patrons of Sheppard’s. But because they think they were in the right, a police officer's history was researched and plaster on the news. The Media needs to get a grip and report true news....

    Why not report the good that Officers do like be deployed in the line of fire overseas, volunteer time to a local church or organization for the needy, or for god sake doing their job by saving the rest of the sorry people in the world from killing each other.

    This country needs to wake up and take a vacation overseas and see how other law enforcement agencies work. This country has the most touchy feely law enforcement in the world. If these two jerks would have done this in England, Spain, France or any other country over seas they would be glad they were still able to walk. I have seen how people are handled overseas, these guys would have ended up in the hospital because it is not acceptable to talk back to Police and act like an A## in public. Just asked the US Marine who was caned in public several years ago in Japan.

    Stop slamming officers and support your local Police. The more support we give them the more they will be able to do thier job instead of being controlled and held back by the Mayors and Chiefs who want to be politicians and not public servants.

  4. #24
    This is how our Police should be allowed to act.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C61415MJ ... re=related[/url]

  5. #25

    no loss of life.....

    he was probably DWLSR anyway.....

  6. #26


    It was not a City computer, read the report...

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