more hiring questions
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  1. #1

    more hiring questions

    I recently applied with USF PD and have a few questions that hopefully you could shed some light on...

    How long does the hiring process take?
    Is it true that if hired by the PD I could take advantage of free schooling?
    What types of crimes do you deal with on a daily basis?
    What is the starting pay?
    Is there any off duty details available?
    How many phases are there in your FTO program?

    Thanks for the help guys.

  2. #2
    6 hours of free tuition per semester.

    Lots of overtime available.

  3. #3
    thanks, I appreciate it

  4. #4

    Re: more hiring questions

    Quote Originally Posted by fight_team
    I recently applied with USF PD and have a few questions that hopefully you could shed some light on...

    How long does the hiring process take?
    Is it true that if hired by the PD I could take advantage of free schooling?
    What types of crimes do you deal with on a daily basis?
    What is the starting pay?
    Is there any off duty details available?
    How many phases are there in your FTO program?

    Thanks for the help guys.
    thefts, noise, drunks, drugs, traffic stops.


    details at Sundome and University events. New North zone will be OT

    5 phases

  5. #5
    When is your next hiring phase?
    how many position do you have open?

  6. #6


    Hiring is now open with interviews occuring as applicants apply.

    At least 8 openings as far as I know (don't hold me to exact numbers)

    See the website, just type in "usfpd" in search.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    That post is funny!, but about 20 yrs off. 20 yrs ago, it would have been true. Especially if they caught someone diving in the Scymarore Dr. recycle bind, to find some dirty magazines, heh. It was a lot of good times when I worked their back in those days!

  9. #9
    When needed, that bit of 'integrity issue'..............will be brought to the surface............with folks who could verify it..................history, upper rank..............never goes away :cry: ops:


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