New Chief - Page 3
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Thread: New Chief

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by slap shot
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Yates is a really good guy and a good LT despite whether or not he was "given preference", and I'd work for him anytime over Jack. Jack's a nice guy, but not cut out to be a LT.
    You must not know Yates very good, He gives many of us the impression he would burn any Officer here to get ahead. I have known both of them for awhile and Chalfant would give his life for any Officer here, if it came down to it. Yates I just wouldnt bet on it. Both are good people, but Chalfant is real. Yates is a fake. He has proven that since he started here. He is nice to everyones face and then talks behind the same person back ten minutes later. Ive seen it myself and others to. He needs to be real, and respect his co workers.
    I agree with the above post.
    So does 3/4 of the Brighton employees

  2. #22
    Yea the other 25% havnt decided yet.

  3. #23
    I will gurantee that none of you here can say that you've never spoken ill of one of your co-workers behind their back. As a matter of just did. At least he has good manners and doesn't call you a moron to your face. I never said Yates would make for a good friend. I said he is a good LT. So, aside from the fact that he may be nice to you even though he doesn't like you what discredits him as a LT?

  4. #24
    Maybe you have a point.

  5. #25
    Lt Yates is one of the least problems this dept. has right now.

    No retirement, other than a 401k that loses money daily.
    No job security. Look what just happened to the Chief. And more soon to follow Im sure.

    Moral at rock bottom because the above issues and many more are never addressed by the admin, other than a "Were looking into IT"

    If the Lt is in a bad mood all the time can you blame him, So are most of the officers.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I will gurantee that none of you here can say that you've never spoken ill of one of your co-workers behind their back. As a matter of just did. At least he has good manners and doesn't call you a moron to your face. I never said Yates would make for a good friend. I said he is a good LT. So, aside from the fact that he may be nice to you even though he doesn't like you what discredits him as a LT?
    I wonder where we get this from???????????????

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