..so, Who is the BEST?
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  1. #1

    ..so, Who is the BEST?

    Our Sheriff's Office has alot of really good Training Instructors (and yes, some not so good but we won't focus on them now). If the PCSO were to give an award for "Best Training Instructor" or some other such name, who would get your vote?? Who stands out from the rest and Why??

  2. #2
    Are you asking for best STI's or the Training people at the range??

  3. #3

    ..so, who is the BEST?

    for the purposes of this forum topic, let's narrow it to only the Instructors that teach at ALERT/DART and also any of the specialty classes offered at the Range. Feel free to start a new "who's the best STI?" thread though..that would also be an interesting read.

  4. #4
    I have the utmost confidence in JT, he is a good D/S and a good instructor. He knows his job and he doesn't insult... S. Russell (who I haven't seen at ALERT since last year) is the same way. Totally respect him and value his unarrogant input.

  5. #5
    I figured this thread would crash N burn...it figures. Most who surf this website are looking for their chance to weigh in with a NEGATIVE comment about something but when asked to compliment some of the fine men and women who have dedicated themselves to helping cops be better cops, only one response is sent in....PATHETIC!!! By the way, JT and Scott are great...ur right.

  6. #6
    I'm not sure who the best Training Instructors are, but with Sgt. Hughes down there I think things will run pretty smooth. He is a stand up guy. As far as Trainers I don't think the good ones stand out as much adn or as memorable as the bad ones, thats probably why you did not get many responses so far.

  7. #7
    Gots to be J.T. hands down!...the guy knows his stuff, but more importantly, can communicate his knowledge to his students. Almost all of the instructors out there know the subject matter, but dont always convey it to the students...plus, J.T. has enough experience to make even the old "I was doing this when you...." farts pay attention...and, on top of all of that, he's just a good dude...never heard him talk shit or spread rumors....definately at the top of my list of REAL COPS that I'd want with me on a hot scene.

    By the way, its nice to see a non-*****ing topic for a change

  8. #8
    I agree J.T. has always been 1 of the best at training

  9. #9
    There is a guy who came back to the SO about a year and a half ago he does a pretty good job. Looks young but oh well

  10. #10
    JT gets my vote for sure- Calm, level headed, easy going, knows his stuff, had the pleasure to work with him for 5 years and he is certainly missed. Sappers lead the way!


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