Welches Grape!
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Thread: Welches Grape!

  1. #1

    Welches Grape!

    Hey guys, I gotta go to Napa again. New property oppurtunities have presented themselves. While you are fighting for extra sheckles from the state, LOOK AT WHAT I WILL BE DRIVING WHILE IN THE VALLEY! hehehe

    Different from your BACKYARD SHADE TREE AREA HUH? d---

    Be safe and check the back seat before going 10-8, might miss a bag-o-booger. I'll be back in 13 days.

    Congrats to the dispatchers. Yippeeeee

  2. #2
    Have a nice trip. It would be a shame if a bird got sucked into your plane's engine on takeoff.

  3. #3
    1) I am back

    2) I am much wealthier

    3) The bird was to small to affect the turbine dynamics

    4) You are still a up runt :lol:


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