Is it true, we have a new President?
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  1. #1

    Is it true, we have a new President?

    Is it true that we have a new President? Because I have not heard anything from the Association. There has not been any updates on the website. Hmmm I was wondering if anyone would like to confirm this?

  2. #2
    Yes it is true, Mr. Karon was let go from his post I wonder why maybe he ran their meeting as Sh*tty as he did FAPE's....... As for the updates no one can get in contact with the webmaster I know personally I have tryed a number of times.

  3. #3
    Gota love how well we do with COMMUNICATION... In an age where we can communicate in matters of seconds at our finger tips we still cant get through to our leaders.

  4. #4
    Well in our defense we can't get through to you either I know personally I can not contact anyone in my region but your right it is sad...How do we fix this?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by confirmed
    Well in our defense we can't get through to you either I know personally I can not contact anyone in my region but your right it is sad...How do we fix this?

    we need to get people that actualy care about the association and that want to help. Well what region are you trying to get ahold of? I know everyone in my region in the even needing to be contacted has the ability to. And my VP of my region has kept the line of Communication open.

  6. #6
    The northern region... At the meeting where everyone was to fill out the contact form we got none back from my region so I have no contact info. and have post blogs trying to get in contact with them but have had no luck.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by confirmed
    The northern region... At the meeting where everyone was to fill out the contact form we got none back from my region so I have no contact info. and have post blogs trying to get in contact with them but have had no luck.
    Depending on how dedicated you are to your position and/or how much time you have on your hand you can contact each PD and SO that is a member in your region and get the #s for the Advisors and make contact that way. By doing this you CYA and atleast show an attempt to contact your region.

    Or you could contact the FAPE and attempt to get information from them on the #s they have listed for the post but you may be waiting ohh a LONG time.

  8. #8
    There you go sounding off again BP......stop it

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by anti-bp
    There you go sounding off again BP......stop it
    Who? My initals are not BP.


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