Sheriff's Boyeez - Page 2
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  1. #11
    The sheriff making comments about guys butts? Get real folks. It takes a real genius to think that. Someone must be jealous.

  2. #12
    You think it is ridiculous now; just wait until election time gets closer. You will have good hunting buddies squaring off anonymously against each other here in the forum.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by guess who
    So, I guess maybe they could have done it without a Spanish speaker? Yeah, that would go by real fast. Maybe they should have picked you so you wouldn't be so obviously jealous, or do you not speak Spanish? I sure don't. I guess them being proactive is going to cut in to your time hanging out at the Tom Thumb trying to get some clerk nookie?
    Of course, if I had been picked, someone would accuse me of being "fine". Been a long time since that happened............
    Obviously female. And obviously not working patrol from your other posts. Hmmmm.

  4. #14
    Now why did you have to go and post something like that? Are you saying that females are the only ones that get jealous? HA HA HA you are killing me!!! I know for a fact we have alot of men around here that cry and complain about how horrible things are. Grow up people. Last time I checked we all are on the same team and have the same abilities. Leave gender out of it. If your a whiner your whiner regardless of your gender. JUST DO YOUR JOBS FOR A CHAGE and stop worrying about what everyone else. You have to give to get. Think about the deputies that were assigned to Aim. They go above and beyond. That is why they stand out. Try it you might like it.

  5. #15
    I didn't see that as a gender slam.

  6. #16
    Being new to this forum, I am not familiar with one abbreviation -

    What does AIM stand for ?

  7. #17
    Aholes In Milton ???

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ralph c
    Being new to this forum, I am not familiar with one abbreviation -

    What does AIM stand for ?
    Area Impact Management

  9. #19
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ralph c
    Being new to this forum, I am not familiar with one abbreviation -

    What does AIM stand for ?

    The AIM Unit (Area Impact Management), a 7 member multi-lingual task force dealing specifically with citizen complaints of undocumented workers

  10. #20

    is this the best allocation of resources?

    Given that the sheriff is complaining about the impact of Amendment 1 on his budget and consistently says that he will have to cut services you have to ask the question of resources and perception.

    If Amendment 1 truly will impact the department budget then adding in special task forces to spend time pursuing non-violent offenders implies that the Sheriff has plenty of money in his budget and that the cuts he complains about that supposedly will be required will have no impact on the ability of the department to patrol and police.

    Or you can ask the question is the AIM task force simply a re-election tool?

    A cynic would ask why "now"? 2006/2007 had roughly the same number of illegals and roughly the same crime statistics. Oh, but wait, 2008 is an election year.

    So, follow fashion, get your name in the paper, appeal to the bottom line xenophobia and collect contributions all in the name of law enforcement.

    Just a thought.

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