Dont forget to wave, dont forget to stop, Brothers
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Dont forget to wave, dont forget to stop, Brothers

    Brothers and Sisters of the badge, would it kill us to be more united? Given, we will never control the bickering of battling administrations from sheriff’s offices to police departments and highway patrol and so on. But on the ground we only have each other. I have been a gun slinger since the nineties and I have noticed a serious decline in the brotherhood in Pinellas County. There was a time when every cop waived at every passing cop, fireman, and paramedic. It’s a small thing. It’s really not that big of a deal. But it’s a big respect and fellowship thing. That wave shows that you’re saying, “hey brother, be safe and have a good one.” For who else will stop to back a cop up when the line has been crossed by some bad guy but us? The lack of that wave has seemed to diminish into the lack of stopping for fellow officers of other agencies. It does not hurt to stop when you see a lone officer on a traffic stop or out with a subject. Most of the time that officer will wave, give you a thumbs up, and say, “I’m 10-4” and you’re on your way. I’d hate to think that petty jurisdictional squabbles have turned too many of us into over-loyal- to-the-agency cops who won’t wave at other cops and not stop to check on a brother. And don’t let the very few ****y cops that exist in every agency ruin it for the rest of us. We have the deck stacked against us as it is. We are a favorite target of the media, attorneys and mad left wing citizen groups. I hate to say it, but don’t ever expect a citizen to come to your aid. I, on the other hand, will take a bullet for any one of you modern day gladiators who protect our streets, our families, and our way of life. So please wave, please stop, and please go home safe every night.

  2. #2
    I agree deputy, but good luck if you are going to try presenting this to the troopers. They hate their own mothers.

  3. #3


    This really hurts me to read this about what you all feel about us fhp troopers, we can gripe all we want but most of us do not jam up other leos on traffic violations.JD is right lets not heat up the hate that we are doing to our self. I will always be loyal to my follow leos.Lets all pledge this too!now


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