Merry Christmas
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Thread: Merry Christmas

  1. #1

    Merry Christmas

    Let us take a few moments to recap 2007. You might want to hum this little tune to a similar Christmas song.

    On the 12th day of Christmas my true department gave to me….
    12 months of stalled union negotiations.
    11 Lieutenants salivating for a certain Captain to retire.
    10 month replacement period for new vehicles.
    9 % less cost of living pay.
    8 more months before an official power point presentation is approved to decide on the committee to design a sticker that is approved to honor fallen heroes.
    7 days in a pay period for all those returning to patrol from the specialty units after getting shafted for so long by their respective supervisors.
    6 months before the new cars will be road worthy (delivered last month).
    5% merit increase….only raise since Oct 2006.
    4 captains waiting for one of the A-COPS to take early retirement due to much needed hip replacement, marriage counseling, or finally took that anti-sexual harassment class.
    3 A-COPS waiting on a non deciding chief to decide when to retire.
    2 Officers on IA resigning.
    1 more year down toward retirement…..

    Merry Christmas to all! Let it be a blessed and safe holiday season for all of our brothers and sisters serving in the good fight!

    P.S. Anyone else feel like taking a stab at this Christmas Carrol thing, lets have a little fun with this site for a change!

  2. #2
    Now that's funny right there... I don't care who you are. Glad to see you have sense of humor about it all. Tase on!

  3. #3
    That is very funny. Good job to whoever wrote it.

  4. #4
    that was good. I'll have to work on one to keep it going...


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