I doubt anyone will care enough...... - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    For those of you who know Jody, then I hope you realize that shes damn good at her job and thats what matters. Not what you think of her personally. You dont have to like her to realize you are safe when she sits there (which you can be happy is very rarely). Any of you old timers care to speak up in defense? As for chilling out, you would jump on me in a heart beat if I were to speak ill of some of yours.

  2. #32

    Do you even know me???

    Just thought Id log in and give those of you who dislike me the chance to say it to me personally. Have at it. Lets see if any of you leave your name this time.

  3. #33
    You know maybe you are taking this personal. I don't really think that many people on here dislike you personally. Many of them (like me) don't know you personally. As the same goes for you knowing us. I know that tuffstuff originally got on here to seek compliments/complaints to try and help our side and your side work better. Unfortunately one or two people (like everything) have to ruin things by turning this into a bashing. Don't think all of us hate you, or think alike.

    I am not sure who tuffstuff or jody are, but I have my guesses. I have heard that jody is the female dispatcher who is mostly monotone and sounds unhappy. Doesn't make you a bad dispatcher in terms of how you take care of officers on calls and send back-ups. However, maybe you don't realize that your attitudes on the radio can sometimes dictate the level of motivation in officers on the streets. IE- If I keep getting a poor attitude from a dispatcher because I make her work by constantly doing 10-50's or any type of onview, then it gets me angry because I am doing my job and your getting paid to do yours. Now I know the same type of attitude can come from officers when you wake them up to go to a call. Not trying to bash any dispatcher in particular. But your getting paid to dispatch just like we are getting paid to handle calls.

    And please don't get fiesty with us when we have "multiple units" keying up. We obviously cannot tell when someone else is keying up at the same time until the dispatcher comes back on and says multiple units. Then we don't know if the other person should key up, or us. Then if we assume we should or if we have traffic that is more important we may end up keying up at the same time as the other unit or someone else who is impatient and doesn't know how to wait. Just take it into consideration next time it happens.

  4. #34
    I dont think that the dispatcher you are describing is me. I DO NOT mind working. As a matter of fact, I prefer the busier channels. You are not bothering me when you go 1050 or onview whatever it is you are onviewing. It is my job to handle whatever radio traffic you all give me as a dispatcher. I like to have fun on the radio, of course in whatever professional way possible, just ask Hansman or Mike Lewis or Dang. Dunk, Ad****, and Strickland all know me very well and will tell you the type of person I am. Honestly, I can count on 2 fingers the amount of times I have sat on 10a in the last month. So why someone or sev people would come on here and say bad things about me is beyond on me. I do not sit on your radio very often, so when I was told what someone wrote on here, it did offend me. I know very few of you guys/girls these days in MM, mostly the older guys/girls or at least ones with more than 5 or so years on. Yes I can be a pain in the butt, however I know my job inside and out and do everything in my power, the few times I sit there, to get you guys home safe. Isnt that the most important thing?

  5. #35
    Who cares? Grow up and do your job. This isn't high school where people sit around and gossip all day. People die here. I have a job to do and so do you.

    I came to this site because everyone is talking about it and I'm very disappointed. I can't believe we are all so childish.

    Good day.

  6. #36
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Yes WE would seem to include you too! Its a shame that my question had to be taken in such a bad direction. But sadly childish-ness and pettiness do seem to be a re-occuring them on all areas of this website. Seems no one wants to own up to trashing someone by putting their name behind what they say. The point of this was to resolve issues or explain policies not trash people. Everyone has the right to their opinion and she has the right to stand up for herself.

  7. #37
    Please dont let the immature opinions of a few speak for all of us. I know who Jody is and I never had any type of problem with her. I appreciate the excellent and professional job all the dispatchers do.

  8. #38
    WE LOVE JODY!! :lol:

  9. #39
    Thanks 22yearvet and LTD. Appreciate it.

  10. #40
    Posted: 11/10/07 22:51:13 Post subject:


    I know Jody from when she use to do ride alongs with us back in the days. I will tell you what you do not have to like her tone or attitude but she will get right on top of things when you need it. I worked midnights and charlie shift for a while and talk about giving you a call history at a residence and othe further information she is on it. I like our dispatchers and just like you they all have bad days just like us. I like dispatchers with attitudes at least they get the job done. I can't understand why poeple are so sensitive about the dispatcher when you have citizens on the street telling you what a piece of cr-p you are or how you are racist. Since when did we become so this skined.

    I have been around a long time and I have see jody and other cross reference calls gine information on BOLO's that mathc your traffic stop and so forth. There are some officers I can't understand in our department talking on the radio or talking to fast. I think part of trainning people should have to go to CDC and work along side of a dispatcher then you might truely appreciate them. Our job is not easy sometimes but nither is theirs. Just like when you here them laughing in the background and you here a police yelp when some keys up. It goes both ways but we need each other to survive.

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