12s x12s
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Thread: 12s x12s

  1. #1

    12s x12s

    This is what this sounds like. Vote and show the Admin!!! It is not our Admin you are showing. Our Admin will do what is right for the majority as long as goals and objectives are met. Vote Yes and we get the $$$$ and then we work (Our top 2 JS & JN) will work for us. That is why they were out in that position. The 12s are here period, why can't you see that? Go for the $$$$. It will all work out in the end

  2. #2

    Re: 12s x12s

    Quote Originally Posted by OKOK
    This is what this sounds like. Vote and show the Admin!!! It is not our Admin you are showing. Our Admin will do what is right for the majority as long as goals and objectives are met. Vote Yes and we get the $$$$ and then we work (Our top 2 JS & JN) will work for us. That is why they were out in that position. The 12s are here period, why can't you see that? Go for the $$$$. It will all work out in the end
    Can anyone decipher this?

    I would REALLY hate to read this person's reports.............

  3. #3

    Re: 12s x12s

    Quote Originally Posted by OKOK
    This is what this sounds like. Vote and show the Admin!!! It is not our Admin you are showing. Our Admin will do what is right for the majority as long as goals and objectives are met. Vote Yes and we get the $$$$ and then we work (Our top 2 JS & JN) will work for us. That is why they were out in that position. The 12s are here period, why can't you see that? Go for the $$$$. It will all work out in the end
    I don't get this posting.

  4. #4

    Re: 12s x12s

    Quote Originally Posted by Huh
    Quote Originally Posted by OKOK
    This is what this sounds like. Vote and show the Admin!!! It is not our Admin you are showing. Our Admin will do what is right for the majority as long as goals and objectives are met. Vote Yes and we get the $$$$ and then we work (Our top 2 JS & JN) will work for us. That is why they were out in that position. The 12s are here period, why can't you see that? Go for the $$$$. It will all work out in the end
    Can anyone decipher this?

    I would REALLY hate to read this person's reports.............

  5. #5
    or catching anyone

  6. #6
    the first week of school the senior k9 guys will teach him all the things to say to cover up the fact that they cant catch anyone:
    1) must have had a car
    2) UFO landed and teleported the person up (this usually only works in the trailer parks though)
    3) the dog is tired we need more dogs

  7. #7


    wonder if they will have to work (I mean show up) for 12 hours too ?

  8. #8

    k 9

    The 12 smean they get an extra day to train there dogs to not catch suspects, but to continue biting
    b)slow cops on scene and at the pd
    c)random people who have the luck of being 3 miles in the opposite direction that the uspect actually ran
    d)they can practice sitting at the pd telling getaway stories involving a "dark" vehicle even though none was seen

  9. #9
    Now that they have a new K9 coming in, how will they train him wthout the K9 Lt. guru being gone. New K9 is very tall so it will be hard for him to continually bend over to kiss ass....

  10. #10
    how bout 13x13s


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