JOBS - Page 2
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Thread: JOBS

  1. #11
    Retiredswine AKA Mark Sutton get a life

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Retiredswine
    Not So,

    Hey, always a pleasure hearing from one of the narcissistic, kool aide drinking, hero's like you pal. Not a clue, never had, probable by the sound of it, never will. But, I do enjoy the battle of wits with an unarmed man so do write again, pal.
    If being miserable was pointing out what was not right,.. lots there, and standing up and actually telling someone what wasn't right and being a man, then count me in. You keep looking at yourself in the mirror and make sure the cheerleader attire looks good on you skippy. Fortunaly, I work for men and they value their emploee's input,.. not yes men. You probable wouldn't fit in, although, they do have lotsa mirrors in the locker room so who knows. Not to belabor the point,... drop your ibm in your note,.... next time I'm down, you can tell me personally. It's always more pleasureable to hear it from the source, personally. I am sure you'd agree. You take good care now lil fella and watch the kool aide,.... it makes you dizzy and we wouldn't want one of FLPD's true heros falling through a mirrow, now would we. :?
    Someone told me about all the BS you've been spewing on here so I had to come here and witness it for myself. Im not here to get nasty only honest, but yes you are a miserable person. After riding home with you for 1hr from work to PB everyday, you very rarely had a nice thing to say about anyone or FLPD. If someone were to advance (make SGT, Capt, what have you) they were a suckup in your eyes. It couldnt be because they earned it or worked thier ass off. Some of the new new promotions are/were friends of yours. I would think once you retired you would of been happy and left this all behind but no, you had to come back and haunt these poor policemen/women as you did me (but we wont go there). From what I hear your sitting behind a desk dispatching in PA and hey, Im not gonna knock that being I get a pretty decent paycheck doing that. Thats also what you would constantly do.... talk down the dispatchers too! I guess being you come on here and bother these people ,you Must miss the job otherwise you wouldnt throw around your BS. So why dont you be a good little boy now and do like a few people have already asked and Get A Life because like I said I only came on here to witness/view what I was told was on here because a have a great life!

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