What gives?
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Thread: What gives?

  1. #1

    What gives?

    Can someone please explain to me how a prostitute can be raped. I mean, c'mon. I live in Town Shores and naked women run around with helmets on all the time. Usually they are the old World War 2 helmets and occasionally the German girls wear those ones with the spikes in them. I think for the most part they get them from their husbands. Quite normal really for Gulfport and Town Shores. 2 years ago Samantha T fell in the pool while wearing one and darn near drowned. We look back on that now and laugh - ah the good times! Emma from England has her husbands old helmet - uses it as a bed pan at night!

    Did you guys know that the Ivanhoe building is really a great big cathouse run by a guy named Ivan?

    There are a lot of little secrets that go on in G-port that don't need airing in the St. Pete Times.

    Your faithful maritime auxillary man,

    Marty S.

  2. #2

    By the way?

    Your agency arrest any fellow LEO'S lately................... ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops:

  3. #3
    not yet....but any day now...

  4. #4
    No that was a funny post Marty S.

    I would have to say that I agree with you. I too have heard these rumors about the Ivan Ho building and can tell you from personal experience they are all true.

    Ivan is a portly fellow in his late 50's, but don't let that fool you, he is a real swinging dude. He lives on the 4th floor. His apartment is a studio style that overlooks the water. He has furniture made of rich mahogony and has many leather bound books. We have had some real shin digs up there with the ladies from his building.


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