Great news - Page 3
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Thread: Great news

  1. #21
    davie resident you are an idiot. the council doesnt care about your or anybody else but themselves. they are not going to do anything to get your taxes down, thats less money they have to steal then, just a C. Kovainis.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    davie resident

    maybe you need to ask cooper city,weston,and residents of other cities that have switched you get a short term savings but it the long run switching over will cost you so much more then your paying now

  3. #23
    ask weston, they are mad because they buy the cars and the rescue trucks, then weston goes and runs calls in southwest ranches. Ranches gets service and doesnt pay for it and the sheriff gets the money

  4. #24
    Ok, Mr. Smarty pants, lets see what you really know about sunrise pd. They just voted on contacting bso for a temporary chief. The commissioners voted to contact bso, not the citizens or officers. And you really don't seem to know much about how local government works. All the commissioners have to do is vote to change the charter and then vote for a bso merger without a public vote. Do your homework and you'll see how many times this has been done. This is about money and not your career, pay or stupid looking cars. This is about money, money, money. And it's the cimmissioners responsibility not to bankrupt the city. Unless of course they want to pay higher taxes and cut back on services.....or pay "sunrise" higher water bills.....which sunrise provides to part of your city. Maybe sunrise will raise your water bills in davie to pay for our contract so we don't go to bso. What a great idea!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

  6. #26
    The council tabled reviewing the town charter until sometime next year. They can't just vote to change it, there has to be an emergency situation. Do you really think that the union will let them say there is an emergency without backing it up with numbers? This is where we need to be careful about saying we are too understaffed, etc.

    I think everyone is not looking at the real problem, the over spending and wasted money the town is responsible for. Do we need a farm park? Or a bird sanctuary? Why is it every time a big business wants to come to Davie it is rejected when it would bring in millions in revenue? You want your property taxes cut, start holding the council, mayor and admim. responsible.

    Where is all that extra money that has been collected over the last 5 years with home values that shot up? If you think this town is near bankrupt you are insane. There is plenty of money how else could the manager steal from it and not get caught right away.

    Going to BSO will not solve anything. They are also understaffed and they will cut the number of specialized units operating in the town to half. Say goodby to half of the detectives, traffic units and k9s.

    I will leave if we go BSO if I can help it.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by SPD/BSO
    Ok, Mr. Smarty pants, lets see what you really know about sunrise pd. They just voted on contacting bso for a temporary chief. The commissioners voted to contact bso, not the citizens or officers. And you really don't seem to know much about how local government works. All the commissioners have to do is vote to change the charter and then vote for a bso merger without a public vote. Do your homework and you'll see how many times this has been done. This is about money and not your career, pay or stupid looking cars. This is about money, money, money. And it's the cimmissioners responsibility not to bankrupt the city. Unless of course they want to pay higher taxes and cut back on services.....or pay "sunrise" higher water bills.....which sunrise provides to part of your city. Maybe sunrise will raise your water bills in davie to pay for our contract so we don't go to bso. What a great idea!
    why dont you stay on your own site and complain there.....good luck with bso your gonna need it kiss a..

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