Time to chime in
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  1. #1

    Time to chime in

    I just had to chime in after I spoke to some of the north naples patrol guys and reading the post by the person who rode along with the north end the other night. NN is really messed up. A Lt and "Senior" sgt who have no clue about running a district or leading people in a district. The ride along rode with Lauer or someone on his shift, and spoke highly of the shift and the deputys. Hell, I thought Lauer was one of the most disgruntled and un enthusiastic deputys in the agency. After talking to the north end guys I might request a transfer just to work with him. Too bad he and some other sgts, in NN and in other districts are being targeted for removal. Guys who have been there and done that being targeted. Guys who have not being put in charge. A vicious cycle the feeds on itself and the good and capapble deptuys Has anyone ever thought that it might be time for a new sheriff ?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    the previous guest must be telling us all that he is a democrat and supports Hillary for president :lol:

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Collier County, FL
    If you vote for hillary you should shoot yourself in the face...

    that might look good on a bumper sticker; like the sticker for when Al Gore was running for the presidency that said, "Don't Gore up America"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Retnuh- Do you have to be so negative about everything? If you are seriously this unhappy with the CCSO, you should really go find another place to work. I found Sgt.Lauer to be a really nice guy who does care about the guys he works with. Obviously you have never given him a chance to show you how nice he is and you are just going with someone elses opinion on this matter. The guys that I encountered in D1 were AWSOME. I actually felt like part of the group that night. I didn't get that same feeling when I did my ride along in D2 the 1st time(In this statement I am not referring to the deputy I rode with because she was actually really cool to ride with and she made me feel like it was okay to ride with her). What I am referring to is when I first walked into the D2 substation and was introduced as a ride along and all the guys said "It's not my turn. I don't want a ride along. Thank God that CPL. S Wagganer came in and told me I could ride with her, because I probably would have walked out had she not walked in when she did).I am not putting D2 down but the guys in D1 didn't complain about having a ride along or complain about having to take one with them. I wish I had gotten the names of all the deputies I encountered that night because not only did I get the opportunity to meet the D1 guys but I also got to meet some of the guys in plain clothes. Retnuh- if you feel you could give a better ride along, I would love to go. Problem is that you refuse to post your name to your postings, so I will probably never get to see your side of things. Obviously it is pretty easy to figure out who I am when I post under this name. It wouldn't take much research. If you have the urge to, you can e-mail me on Agency e-mail and ask me to ride with you. However, I have nothing to gain by telling everyone that the D1 guys totally rock and I have nothing to lose by defending my statements. I stand by my opinion that the D1 guys were AWSOME!

  6. #6
    Wow super duper nippa keen awesome deluxe a bucks wonderful pissa cool.

    You fit right in with the rest of the cheerleaders.

    2008 the hunter becomes the HUNTED.

  7. #7
    sorry julieannna i did not mean to sound so negative. ops: as for the CCSO, i do like it here, it is a good agency with mostly good people. I just think it could be much better and many of our problems would be better addressed with a new sheriff. as for Luaer I hardly know him just what I hear. I hear that he is disgruntled, but you said you had a good tiem with him and his shift in the north end. the other guys in the north end I talked to also siad really good things about him. I guess my attempt at sarcasms was lost in the opost.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Not a problem. I agree that everyone has the right to their own opinion. I have not met anyone at the CCSO yet that I have not liked once I got to know them. I have learned that rumors are just that..rumors. If you really want to know whether that rumor is true (such as whether a Sgt or Cpl are cool or not cool), go talk to them and see for yourself. Better to meet them and hate them than talk bad about them on a forum without giving them a chance to show you their true color. As for the issue of getting a new sheriff....thats not something I feel I need to voice my opinion on. When it comes time to vote for Sheriff, only I will know how I voted. As I have stated before, everyone at the CCSO deserves a pat on the back.

  9. #9
    Well George was right, blah blah blah freekin' blah. Enough already. You are making statements about a D-1 superviser you never even worked with? That takes alot of nerve. His job is to supervise his guys and make sure his guys are safe and do the right thing. Tony is a very good super. He is always there for hus guys, and he probably knows policy and F.S.S. better than anyone in the north end.

    As far as North Naples being messed up? I think most of the men and women who patrol North Naples would take exception to your statements. We all work hard and take alot of pride in that fact. Most of don't care about the politics. We do what we do because we want to be cops and this is the place we just happen to do it.

    Worry about your own district, and please retnuh, do not tranfer to North Naples. According to you we are messed up enough already.

  10. #10
    well, i have worked with tony! i do not trust him and am happy he is in the north end!

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