settle a bet for me please.
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  1. #1

    settle a bet for me please.

    A buddy of mine just applied and is under the impression that there is a drug screen for steroids. I say no way, not on a premployment screening. maybe if something happened and there is a suspicion. He'll owe me 10lbs of whey protein if I'm right.

  2. #2
    as far as my knowlegde goes, they test for specific narcotics and certain amounts, but i can be wrong

  3. #3
    If possible, please provide the applicant's name in an effort to assist with his application. The HCSO has a zero tolerance policy to illicit substances. Notwithstanding the need to place additional deputies on the road, the HCSO would not hire an individual with steroid use within the last thirty-six months.


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