Bevan's Report
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Thread: Bevan's Report

  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Bevan's Report

    Kudos to : Abhi Raghunathan St Pete Times STAFF writer for putting the words in print:
    and to : Eric Rubin, for expressing you concerns:
    St Pete Times 04042007 Neighborhood Times edition

    REF: Slashing of tents was legal, police report says

    ...."Correct me if I'm wrong," he said. The Major (Bevan) who came up with the idea, did the investigation, and found out there was nothing wrong?
    Isn't that kind of like, how do you say, the fox guarding the henhouse?"....

    I'll have to work with that image over a bit ~ but it's quite a fitting image: egg sucking .
    Will CHIEF CHUCKY CHEESE let me investigate the next complaint,... PLACED against me ?
    Yes Sir ! Fair and equal protection under the law !

  2. #2
    what else is new? i guess harmon got edumacated too..."we'll just arrest them from now on..." this place is a joke.

  3. #3

    It's Time

    Just explained why I'm leaving to the family. See Ya

  4. #4
    So this is how it will be eh? The memo everyone waited to read has come and gone. I thought this would be a hot topic. Looks like everyone is so beaten down by this place that said memo is neither surprising nor unexpected. Congrats Staff, I think you have won. No one really cares anymore. We're so used to the crap that goes on around here that this is just another chapter in the memoirs that are life in the SPPD.

  5. #5

    POST the MEMO

    Can someone post the memorandum here?


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