Orlando Sentinel Editorial 12/03/06
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  1. #1

    Orlando Sentinel Editorial 12/03/06

    It's amazing how the Seminole County Sheriff's Office OWNS the Sentinel's opinion on the issue of fines regarding nusiance calls. They choose to take the Sheriff's Office take on this issue. They take the sheriff's "spin" of wanting the public to call law enforcement in every single matter that arises that the public cannot handle. (See other posts). Your deputies are responding to nonsense, rather than criminal activity, all in the name of "quality of life".

    My question to you citizens...in the same Sunday edition is an article about burglaries occuring in an "usually, quite, safe, community"...the response is .."lock your stuff up, it' going to happen", this is not a response that the sheriff wants to convey, he want's you to think that everything is great and you are safe.

    The bottom line is, this organization is run with egos and ideas. The egos and ideas get ahead, but anyone with common sense that questions the egos and ideas get shunned.

    This agency is not concerned about anything but numbers and egos. Enjoy the ride Seminole County.....

  2. #2
    I have a couple of questions. Can anyone answer me this?

    1. What do you deem "nonsense" calls... give me a few examples.

    2. On an average day, about how many of these "nonsense" calls do you have to respond to?

    I would just like to get an idea of how big a problem this really is... if it even is one after all.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I have a couple of questions. Can anyone answer me this?

    1. What do you deem "nonsense" calls... give me a few examples.

    2. On an average day, about how many of these "nonsense" calls do you have to respond to?

    I would just like to get an idea of how big a problem this really is... if it even is one after all.
    Sounds like you have an "adminstrative" interest in this discussion. Do you really think someone is going to give you examples and on an average day?? That sounds like the "examples" will be researched internally to see who is posting on this board. That is exactly why this board was created, to post anonymously, without fear of retribution.

    I'm not saying that deputies should pick and choose what calls are deemed "necessary" police responses. Issuing a fine for excessive police response is no different than issuing a traffic ticket. Think about that!

    When will the citizens be held accountable for actions they put themself into that caused a police response? (Traffic Ticket)

  4. #4
    Now that makes me laugh. It sounds to me like someone is paranoid.

    I can assure you I have nothing to do with administration. I'm just wondering if it really is such a problem that the Sheriff's Office is encouraging people to call.

    I don't see why it would be a problem for someone to give me an example. As you said, this board is a place you can post anonymously. I'm not looking to research or even attempt to guess who anyone really is on this board. I'm just curious about this issue that has caused a bit of a stir in a board that's been dead since it's very start.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Now that makes me laugh. It sounds to me like someone is paranoid.

    I can assure you I have nothing to do with administration. I'm just wondering if it really is such a problem that the Sheriff's Office is encouraging people to call.

    I don't see why it would be a problem for someone to give me an example. As you said, this board is a place you can post anonymously. I'm not looking to research or even attempt to guess who anyone really is on this board. I'm just curious about this issue that has caused a bit of a stir in a board that's been dead since it's very start.
    Glad you had a laugh about the intimidation that reigns in this organization. If you didn't have a vested interest in this subject, why would you bother to monitor this site?

    Mr./Mrs. /Miss/Ms. Guest, I assure you, your language reeks of the adminstration. Especially, your crying for examples. Let's see, every month, the sheriff wants to hear how do they solve this and that in the community (I agree that this is a good thing). The sheriff will listen to anyone who has a concern regarding the way things are operated internally and the typical response is we can't or we won't. Why would personnel bring ideas when it is constantly met with this response. (Now you provide the examples) Is it because of ego? Is it because they want to exercise more intimidation? Whos knows?

    In regards to your intrigue on the message board, maybe the message is secretly being shared and *gasp* gossip, at the dismay of the adminstration.

    You didn't answer my question as to why a traffic ticket can be issued and not a fine for nuisance police call? Thanks for stirring the pot.

  6. #6
    I am laughing at the fact that you thought/think I am administration. Not at the fact that administration has apparently intimidated everyone to the point that they are even leery of posting their thoughts and feelings on a message board where they remain anonymous. I assure you once again, I am in no way administration.

    So you want my opinion on the issue of a traffic ticket being the same as being fined for calls? Okay, I don't see it the same. Tax payers (yes even Officers themselves) essentially pay for the right to be able to pick up the phone and call the police. I can't imagine that there really are that many people calling enough times to even be subject to these fines in the first place. I guess every city or county department has their own rules to when the fine is applied. Some are more extreme than others. These departments that are using this "law" as they call it, should only use it in a case where it's "really" becoming an issue to that department. I would think every case would be different and it shouldn't necessarily apply to every situation.

    Being pulled over for doing something illegal and receiving a ticket just doesn't seem at all the same to me. Being fined a certain amount of dollars per hour for an officers services just doesn't seem right. In a sense it would be like you are paying his salary out of your own pocket.

    As far as my interest in this site goes, that's my own personal affair. :wink:

  7. #7
    Great! So we have cleared up the fact that you absolutely don't know anything about law enforcement.

    As far as your opinion about calls from the public, refer to the above sentence. For whatever reason, you posted on a Law Enforcement Board, with a clueless opinion of how things work.

    Watching "Cops" on Fox will not make you educated on this issue. I could write many, many paragraphs on how to deal with people like you, but I don't want to interrupt your study time, aren't finals this week?

  8. #8
    Why don't you explain what makes my opinion so wrong? How does it have anything to do with "how things work". Unless you completely didn't understand what I'm saying. I am speaking on the citizens side of the issue. You can go ahead and be a jerk about me posting on here but the fact of the matter is that I'm the only one who gave a damn enough to even bother responding.

    Why is it that you suddenly treat me like I'm an idiot just because I'm not an officer? If you honestly feel that way than you're the exact reason that the majority of people in America dislike cops. I'm one of the few who actually appreciates law enforcement.

    I'm just trying to get this board going, as I said before it's been dead around here and it's a shame... that's all. Please don't treat me like I know nothing, I see no reason for you to suddenly be so disrespectful. You should just be glad I can put together sentences, which is more than I can say for most people who post on message boards. That goes for a lot who claim to be officers as well.

  9. #9

    Somebody needs to chill!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Why don't you explain what makes my opinion so wrong? How does it have anything to do with "how things work". Unless you completely didn't understand what I'm saying. I am speaking on the citizens side of the issue. You can go ahead and be a jerk about me posting on here but the fact of the matter is that I'm the only one who gave a darn enough to even bother responding.

    Why is it that you suddenly treat me like I'm an idiot just because I'm not an officer? If you honestly feel that way than you're the exact reason that the majority of people in America dislike cops. I'm one of the few who actually appreciates law enforcement.

    I'm just trying to ge this board going, as I said before it's been dead around here and it's a shame... that's all. Please don't treat me like I know nothing, I see no reason for you to suddenly be so disrespectful. You should just be glad I can put together sentences, which is more than I can say for most people who post on message boards. That goes for a lot who claim to be officers as well.
    [Speaking to the poster that resulted in your response (above)]
    Come on now... A very reasonable request for clarification is being asked here. Is it so hard to reply that you are upset (offended?) by excessive noise/loitering/barking dog complaints? Has it risen to the point where deputies are unable to respond to and investigate "real" crimes? Are your rants even applicable to the Seminole Co. Sheriff? It's been thus far hard to tell given your vague descriptions. Although crime in general has unfortunately increased recently in Seminole the overall crime rate is still among the lowest in Central FL for which I am grateful. Given that last statement I can already imagine your reply that I am part of the "administration" participating in the continued expansion of related propaganda. I can ohh so assure you I am not an LEO in any way, shape or form; rather I am a Network Engineer for a local computer support company. I am however a law-abiding, property tax paying, concealed weapon permit holding citizen of Seminole Co. and hold local LE in the highest regard for their absolute dedication. If you happen to be a current SCSO deputy than I am truly mortified by your comments as we (e.g. the public) count on you to protect us from any and all crimes (although trivial they are still crimes!). If you are a former SCSO deputy than you are nothing more than a disgruntled ex-employee. For what it's worth, I truly do not intend to offend anyone here including the "complainant" (yeah I've picked up on some lingo from COPS). As far as I know (remember I am a civilian so am not privy to inside info) the SCSO has done nothing to deserve this criticism. Thank you, and good night/morning!


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