Quote Originally Posted by adrift in pines
Morale at an all time LOW?
Starting this forum to see what the guys and girls think about this and get responses. Who's to blame? Administration? Union? You?
During this time of "crisis" where are our leaders? Do we have any leaders?
I'm not stupid, but I think the blame lies all over the place and unfortunatley the people that count either have their heads in the sand or were never able to lead anyway. Hey, but you hear we have a great contract and a great pension hmmmmmmmmm, that's true, but that does not equal great morale!
We need leadership and a person or persons who can make a decision no matter what side of the fence they or their decision lands.
Anyway, reply with your thoughts or feelings.
I didnt know you guys had morale issues, what exactly is the problem? You guys do have a great contract and benefits and are not exactly working in the ghetto so again what is the problem if you dont mind me asking.

This is the first time I have heard anything bad about Pines PD.