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Thread: 10-24.....

  1. #1


    Today SPPD was lucky it did not loose another vice and narcotic detective to the scum we cater to. I saw, today, officers running through the halls trying to get to their vehicles, scrambling to help the detectives in need. The officers were quick to respond and aid in that tragic time. This is what we do. As police officers we back each other. I commend these people who's heart was pounding, thinking it could be their good friend who was shot and bleeding to death. Gladly we were told it was the bad guy who was shot and not one of us and I pray for all who were involved.

    The problem I am having is that it appeared the changes made to the department were more important than the life and welfare of our officers. Officer's were running out of the mandatory read-off, however, the Chief stayed put. Chief Harmon was in full uniform (radio included). He did not even have his radio on. He appeared to be unfazed and did not care that one of us might be dead. He was so intent on sending out the message that we are all now CPO's. This is sad and pathetic. He even made a comment about the read-off being fuller prior to the 10-24. What is that about? Why did he not respond as well? Do you, Chief Harmon, think you are the head of this department just to look good? God forbid you interact with the officers who go out day in and day out to serve the community you hold so high. What about remembering that long ago that 10-24 could have been you calling for help. Maybe if the department was not so worried about pleasing the citizens and cared about it's officers then there might be some change. It's wonderful to know that we are needed as Law Enforcement Officers, yet treated like children.

    I am so glad that the detectives and officers involved today are alive and well. And I'm very glad they are going home to their families tonight.

    God bless

  2. #2

    Harmon's Missteps

    Good commentary, and covering each other's butts is what it's all about. What you describe is another classic example of Harmon's ineptitude and malfeasance. But one thing to remember...his actions with CPOs was not meant to please citizens, but to cover his own weakness in maintaining even minimal staffing levels. He endangers officers and citizens alike. This man is not even qualified to be chief at a plant security force, let along a department that SHOULD have several hundred officers. He's too busy putting bandaids on gaping sores to solve real problems.

    Let's just be happy no officers were lost today.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Northside St. Petersburg
    Chucky wasn't too concerned because it was a Northside address. You can bet if this happened in Midtown, he would have unglued his fat arse from his chair and gone down to the scene. He would have stuck his face in the tv cameras and told everyone how concerned he was about this shooting and that he has serious questions that will be answered during the investigation...

    Lets see if Vice is told to lay off performing search warrants for awhile...

    Good job V & N, way to rescue a brother in need. Herbert Sullivan, everyone still remembers your sacrifice.

  4. #4

    Chief has no class

    Here's what the real chiefs and sheriffs and mayors do in situation of officer-involved shootings. It's a simple lesson that Chief Harmon has been advised of, but refuses to follow: when your officers are involved in life-threatening situations, you respond to the scene. Immediately. You go to the hospital in the event of injury. You appear in front of reporters and express your care and concern and faith.

    Like Sheriff Grady Judd in Polk County.
    Like Mayor **** Greco and Mayor Pam Iorio in Tampa.

    Like a POLICE Chief.

    What does SPPD have here? A chief who stays in the police building, talking to a captive group from behind a podium at read-off, babbling from his script on community policing when a tragic event is unfolding.

  5. #5

    Vice shooting

    The lack of safety backdrops during vice deals continues, expecially on the lil rat's squad. as this situation is reviewed, hopefully more will be done to emphasize officer safety.

    dozens of officers responding after the fact does not cancel out lack of preparation and contingency plans. thanks to all who came running

  6. #6
    Hey Matt Mckinney, thats why we practice tactical operations, brief, walk through and rehearse. Cuz bad crap can happen you ignorant piece of crap. I got your number you dirty son of a bicth

  7. #7
    Member LEO Affairs Detective
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The forgton WEST side of Saint Pete
    Quote Originally Posted by Narc against Mckinney
    Hey Matt Mckinney, thats why we practice tactical operations, brief, walk through and rehearse. Cuz bad crap can happen you ignorant piece of crap. I got your number you dirty son of a bicth
    I heard tings, i heard tings
    Arrest them suckers!

  8. #8
    One day someone with more pull and authority will come in and clean this corrupt, dirty house. Starting from the mayor, right on down. It's dangerous when evil people with evil, greedy intentions are placed in a position of power. You can look in thier eyes and see it oozing. Soon, all the bad that was given out to the faithful officers will all come back on them. You reap what you sow. I think they are forgetting this. Everything they are giving freely will come back on them. It's karma.


  9. #9

    housecleaning will come

    true dat. look at their lousy personal lives and the lack of real friends on the dept.

    while certain vice sgts enjoy spoiling the reputations of solid officers who for years have investigated cases successfully without safety issues, these two coalition-kissers come in with their "I was once a Street Crimes star" attitudes. so what, it was rigged for them to get some award, who gives a *&^%?

    they don't know jack about drug enforcement. they run their squads like street crimes phase 2, piss off fed counterparts, insult the SO rather than work with them, and hide their tactics and supervisory intimidation techniques behind the back of their chain of command.

    one day they will not be protected by their hidden tunnel of influence, running to glen, al, cedric, luke, melanie, etc. to cry and whine to get their way. and guess what? others of us in patrol and cid will be sure they get their paybacks.

  10. #10

    No LEO deaths this time

    Thanks to individual skill and ability all our brothers went home to their families. Prepare yourself for the day when this does not happen. Because with our piss poor leadership it’s coming.

    Merry Christmas to you all, and let us pray for leadership change for the New Year.

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