MLK "Parade"
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Thread: MLK "Parade"

  1. #1

    MLK "Parade"

    Another month and it will be time for the good citizens of St Pete to foot the bill for the MLK street party with lots of St Pete Police officers on overtime. Special enforcement units staging in the wings to handle crowd control issues, "fire" teams waiting for the usual shootings, etc. Partiers will come from across the bay for the free-for-all.

    Officers will not have a choice to work the event. Days off are not allowed.

    Most cops will drive at idle while the street thugs show off their cars and violate every city code going. Drinking in public, smoking weed, fights, shooting into the air. Enforcement? There will be next to none during the "celebration".

    Meantime, across town, minor violations will receive attention, folks will receive citations, and arrests will be made.

    Gotta love this town!

  2. #2
    Member LEO Affairs Detective
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The forgton WEST side of Saint Pete
    Words can not describe my disgust for the total lack of backbone this city has!
    It will take a civil suite by the good citizens to demand equality in the execution of Florida state laws!
    Arrest them suckers!

  3. #3
    MLK thats a great holiday for the City of St Pete. They start the day off with a nice parade that has garbage trucks and leisure service vehicles driving down the road handing out Welfare applications. The crowd is well protected by approximately 200 cops working the parade and lets not forget the concrete barriers to keep the morons out of the road. (Hum, how come it only takes 25 cops for the Santa parade and Festival of States of Parade but the MLK needs about 200??)

    Lets not forget after the lovely parade the 200 cops move to "Midtown" to block off the roads and etc so the people from the parade can have a safe trip home. The parade goers can block traffic, drink alcohol in the road, and create crowd problems while the Command staff looks on from their Ivory Tower (sorry can't use the word Ivory) looking for General Order violations to use against the officers on Tuesday.

    The calls for service stay relatively normal since the officers are not allowed to enforce the law on this Special day and then on Tuesday the staff calls the day a success and tells everyone how well everything went. When in reality this holiday is a complete joke, its only good for the 8 hrs of holiday that must be banled since everyone is forced to work it.

  4. #4
    I don't work there anymore, I'll be off that day!!! :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. #5
    whats all the fuss "it's just good wholesome fun"

  6. #6

    why be so negative?

    Why be so negative? It’s the day we all remember Doctor Martin Luther King and everything he strived for be made into an absolute joke by the leadership of St. Petersburg. Hey Governor Charlie, why not jump onto a float and hang for the after parade party with your pal Mr. Mayor Baker. You will so proud of his accomplishments! We have really made great strides here in St. Petersburg.

    Keep your heads down, stay with your partner and be safe. It’s just children having some harmless fun, is all…

  7. #7
    Everything Doctor martin Luther King stood booze and women....great idea! Woo Hoo. What a hero!

  8. #8
    Well there you boys go, again, a trip down negative street. These oppressed people deserve their day to celebrate an accomplished Africanus-Americanus. So what if they have religious beliefs about smoking mariijuana, selling crack cocaine, drinking a cold quart of brew in the street, its a celebration of life.

    I say if you feel so strongly about the Africanus-Amercanus NAHA's acting so egregiously, do something about it. Be the cop you want to be and arrest them for violating the sacred law of Florida. Be that highly moral person you know you can be and do the right thing.

    You know what? F$%k that Shizzit. If these mother fuc^&ng Nig#$s cant act like real people then send their black azzes to the grey bar motel!!!! If these fu%^ing porch apes want to throw molatav ****tails and spears at us, let them fu^&ing have it!!! Their aim sucks and they are pu$$y azz mother fu%^ers one on one and they know it.

    BRING IT ON YOU FU$%ING ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

  9. #9


    Look, I don't be having a lot of time for this website junk. Posting messages and all. I have to think up another quote for this year's MLK.

    The "wholesome fun" comment has been copyrighted so I be thinking up some mo good ones for dis year. Anybody wid suggestions needs to get wid Donnie or Al who tells me everything anyways.

    Then I beez getting wid the shellacked hair punk to do this job for real so I can go eat me some greens at Piccadilly wid Go-lie-uth. (we calls him Go-lie for short. Ain't it something how that nickname stuck!)

  10. #10
    I tell you I sawer my *****h up in da picadilly, Go-Lie, and he have his self a hat on half-skraight! Like Chicken George His Damned self! You know dat mean only but one fing: He gott 'izzzself a white woman again an he be workin it like Bush on a trip to Iraq!
    Go-Lie have some dat Fo-resnic evvvidense, he be found it in Chucky's coat. Turn out it was just an industrial size caulk gun be filled wid da "KY".
    So my main baller, Go-Lie, go on down to his mac daddy ride to find the mistress a special gift....... he done told those rocket scientists to anylyze Chucky's shirt to see how many trips to the buffet he had. Mo Fo aint gots no home trainin. *****es, you seen the hummer the taxslayers bought for my pimpin ass? Shhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii ------BOYEEEE! Game Over, Ho's!

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