Sgt Test
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Thread: Sgt Test

  1. #1

    Sgt Test

    ops: ops: )
    Well here we go again. The Chief and the Asst/Chief held a Sgt
    Test last week and only (1) one person passed and it was the wrong person. Now the Chief and Asst/Chief are going to have another test untill they get who they want. Where is the PBA? Oh yes ,he was the one who didn't pass the test. So don't expect him to say anything. Now where is HC Civil Service who is the watch dog over the testing? Well we will find out I am calling them Monday an have them look into this matter. Enough is enough. Play fair,or dont have a test.Like when the last Lt was made a few years ago. :roll:

  2. #2
    who passed and who put in for the promotion?

  3. #3
    It is like the AC is out to prove something. The guy is something else, stick to your karate class bud.

  4. #4
    Yup..this whole thing stinks worse than my...well just believe me it STINKS!!! If it was a "bad" test, then who was the great mind that came up with it and approved it??? What this tells me is that this whole thing is just a sham or window dressing. It is pretty clear that this is the Chief's kingdom and it's good to be king. So to hell with PBA and Civil Service cause "this is MY HOUSE and I'm gonna make the rules and change the rules as I damn well please". This place is a joke and a bad one at that.

  5. #5
    You are not going to hear a peep from our PBA rep he does not want to make any waves with the administration. As far as who passed the test obviously the person they did not want as the next sergeant. This whole thing stinks for who ever passed the test. Nice job in writing the test AC. A complete farce. AC, I hope you are reading these posts this is exactly why nobody wants to put in for promotions anymore, because of the way you guys conduct business.

  6. #6

    New Sgt Test

    :?: Well they did it again. Now everyone has passed the (New Sgt Test. )Who wrote Butler.? When are you going to stand up to the Chief and the AC. H.C. Civil Service either don't care or they don't know about the fix on the Sgt Test... I am glad Iam leaving and when I do leave I have an interview with the St Pete Times on Security Problem, and many other things the public need's to know on what happens at Tampa International Airport...... Now you know why the Good Cop's leave and the PBA is a joke.......At TIAPD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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