A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Anyone in HCSO who is above "rookie" knows who the top-notch detective in the "technical" area has been at HCSO over the years. His name need not be listed here since this is a public board.

    Well, the news is that after 33 years on the job (including 5 years in DROP) this "legend" is retiring.

    A small gathering of a hundred or so of the folks who have worked closely with him on various cases over the years was held today to wish him well as he "moves on." I worked as his partner for several years in the technical area and can sincerely say that I never had another partner with a better work ethic or one who was more effective at what he did. He could have been the one who invented the saying "Failure is not an option."

    Our work took us not only all over the county, but to other jurisdictions where other local and federal agencies requested our support because of our level of expertise in certain technical areas. That's right - even the feds often turned to us for aid.

    Folks in the room today included the Sheriff, retired high ranking HCSO officials, representatives from State and Federal law enforcement agencies, representatives from civilian agencies that we work closely with in the technical realm and sworn and civilian personnel from areas throughout the Sheriff' Office - as well as his wife, who has supported him throughout his long career.

    Over the years he was often heard to say "I'll never leave!" and sometimes his wife thought it was probably true. I was there the day that the two of them went to HR to have DROP explained to them. After the explanation he said "Thanks" and stood up. His wife said, "No, sit down." "We aren't leaving until you sign the papers." - Which he did.

    Well, the DROP period is over and the "legend" is moving on ............ kinda. It turns out that he is going to become a Reserve I Deputy and will continue to provide technical support in the investigative area.

    After a few brief speeches from friends and associates, the "legend" got up to speak. He became slightly teary eyed as he acknowledged his appreciation to those who attended the gathering.

    Then, as he turned to leave he was heard to say "I'll never leave."

  2. #2

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Who was it

  3. #3

    Post Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Legend, what ???? You got to be kidding me, "Craig" had a hard time putting the wires right on "A&B", whoops that blew up, let's try "C&D", hey it worked. The only reason he would say I won't leave, is because he couldn"t, cause it didn't work. Please, he was a good worker but a "LEGEND", please give me a break. He was as good as "Bret(verizon security) and FDLE was behind him, if he didn't have them, it was "stick it on there and let's see if it blows up". There have been many that have worked with him and when it's said and done, they have all said "damn, should it have taken this much to do this"??
    And we have Carl, please go to sleep. I am sooooo tired of hearing "how great thou is". Why, because you where in a shoot-out in 1936, in the Secret Service for 25 years putting wires under President Nixon's desk, WOW, I bet that was "dangerous, hope you didn't have to pull your gun. Carl, please "Craig" worked hard but not a "Legend".
    Oh, by the way, if you "kissed his ass", he would assign you a "nice" undercover car, if not, you were screwed, you got some "piece of shit " and he would say, "ehehehehehe sorry about that".
    Stop your comments about people at the Sheriff's Office, you were gone for 25 years, you do not have clue on how they were or worked, except for the one's that "kissed your ass" to get re-hired because you were the Sheriff's buddy

  4. #4
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Apr 2006

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    My, my ..............................

    What a pathetic post from an obviously embittered nobody.

    Must be a nobody. Didn't have the courage to attach his name to his ineffectual tirade.

    Not worthy of a reply to correct his inaccuracies.

    Carl Shawver

  5. #5

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Not worthy of a reply?

    Hey Twat Chops, You just did respond to him. My god, how senile can you be you old fart?

    Did your birth certificate come with an apology letter from the condom factory?

  6. #6

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Not worthy of a reply?

    Hey Twat Chops, You just did respond to him. My god, how senile can you be you old fart?

    Did your birth certificate come with an apology letter from the condom factory?

    You seem to be intellectually challanged.

    Read the entire sentence.

    Not worthy of a reply to correct his inaccuracies.

    How sad that you hide behind anonymonity to resort to name calling. Cowardice abounds.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    I know both of these detectives and I now know that you must have been passed over and are bitter of the job these two were able to hold and do at the highest level.

  8. #8

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Who is this "average joe", responding to me. Shut the "hell"up. I never said they were not "professional" or "very hard working". They are both those but for Carl to say Craig is legend is saying Joe Decobo is a Jim Miller, which is a ridiculous statement to make.
    I was making a point about "being a Legend" that is all.
    This "average joe", you would not know a true cop if one "bit you on the ass", so like Carl, go push paperwork and then go to sleep.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Quote Originally Posted by finnian48
    Who is this "average joe", responding to me. Shut the "hell"up. I never said they were not "professional" or "very hard working". They are both those but for Carl to say Craig is legend is saying Joe Decobo is a Jim Miller, which is a ridiculous statement to make.
    I was making a point about "being a Legend" that is all.
    This "average joe", you would not know a true cop if one "bit you on the ass", so like Carl, go push paperwork and then go to sleep.
    Who is Average Joe? Are you new here? Average Joe has been posting on this board for years. He has constantly been a voice of reason, moderation and common sense. He can criticize the administration without becoming abusive, and defend them when appropriate without comprimising his standards. His has become a voice we can trust for an honest opinion, given without rancor; something you are apparently incapable of doing.

    When you make statements about someone you don't know, as you did about Average Joe in your last sentence, you lose all credibility. That's not to say that you really had any credibility to begin with.

    I'm not sure I get the point of your comparision of Joe Docobo to Jim Miller. They could both be surly, sullen and abusive.


  10. #10

    Re: A "Legend" moves on........... kinda.

    Just curious, maybe the moderator can answer this for us.

    In order of rank, who are the ranking posters recognized by Leo Affairs?

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