Well for you to come on here and say all those things is wrong. Spell check must not work very with because AINT is not a correct spelling for a word you should have written that will not work or something along those lines. Also, I do not have a no it all attitude or i would not be complaining. If i knew it all would I want better training? Im complaining because our organaztion mandated hands on training and we have only had classroom training since than. I am pretty sure i can to an outstanding job with anyone as my FTO. When it comes to reports I can very easily write correctly. It's very sad that "officers" come on here and write about a topic that doesnt pretain to them. I relish all of the delegates meetings. That is why I have helped raise thousands of dollars to support my post. I know all about law enforcement. Yes, there are alot of things in which i do not know yet. I plan on learning from those and that is why I have been complaining so I can become more knowledgable. If you read all of my post's you can see that I have appreciated the things I have recieved from my department and other departments. I have put it well over 1000 hours of community service. So, before you complain about what I have written get all of your facts straight. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have for me. One more thing, as you can see my grammar can be better when I want it to be although, it is still not perfect