Ayep... it is what it is. I guess there are worse places to blow the bucks on.

I really wanted to support and campaign for the new HQs but i also think they went way beyond any sense of reasonableness. It is unfair for today's citizens to pay for the lack of planning in the past AND pay for the growth for the next 40 years. The extra space sounds great in theory. Maybe they should have gone with a campus and add buildings as needed and as we could afford.

It is pretty tone deaf to the taxpayers that are getting screwed from all directions.. and frankly, no relief to come no matter what happens in November.

So now it is up to the voters.. I expect they will get what they want. They wont get my vote.

PS.. Come Nov ballot, they are planning on another referendum to provide your CM the ability to borrow up to 28.5 M without asking the taxpayer. The 28.5M number they are asking for is what the County allows for. The County has a 2 Billion a year budget; NoPo has a 250M ish budget.