Well, I'm glad the city "leaders" decided to spend over a million dollars on body cameras for the police officers in Lakeland. (Sarcasm intended). Most cars are equipped with dash cameras now, but I guess that isn't good enough. A better decision for the money would have been to put more Officers on the street. For years, Lakeland has grown and demanded more resources from the police department, yet failed to keep pace by hiring more Officers. The mentality was "do more with less", which is idiotic. Do a study over the last 20 years of the average response time to an emergency call and you'll see what I'm talking about. Hey, but at least our folks in uniform will be recorded in everything they do. I say what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Buy one for every commissioner, the mayor, Assistant City Managers, City Manager and all Department heads, especially your HR director. If you can't trust someone wearing your uniform, get rid of them. Cameras are just a costly "feel good" measure to appease those who don't trust police officers in general. Cameras aren't going to fix that. What a mistake the city made by choosing bwcs.