We have a rare opportunity that we must seize so we can get our share. The police get more because the PBA treats us like step children

Are you a person that’s not afraid to ask questions, ask for financial accountability, and like helping other? Now, is your time. The PBA elections are coming up and while they have been trying to keep it under the radar, you can apply to be a board of director. You’ll be able to see credit card charges, all expenditures and be part of the solution.

Ever since the trio Stahl, Jenkins, and Greenwell took over they have been hiding information and having a free for all with our dues money. Their lackeys on the board have taken a see no evil, and hear no evil approach. As such they trio have had an unfettered, unquestioned way with our money. Worst of all, they’ve delivered nothing. No meaning contract, no pension reform, no health insurance remedies. Nothing. We have been paying for nothing!

Their will be around 30 positions on the board that if we get the right people in can change the course of this runaway bus.

Sign up soon as they will close the qualifying time quietly.