How does a department figure, Sheriff, not follow his own policy little alone know what it says but then I forces it on certain people. It floors me how he sleeps with subordinates while married, which is how he got the wife he has, breaks the law, acts like a child and has no idea of how to be a cop. I would like to see him work for a real department and see how long he lasts. I should have went to work for MDPD when it was offered to continue to be a real cop. This department should issue security badges instead of what the call a cops badge. Learn what it is to be a real cop Ramsay and stand behind your people. Not the ones who kiss your ass and afraid to speak the truth. Monroe County doesn’t know what it’s like to fight real crime. Most of this department would have no clue on how to be a real cop. Stop promoting people that’s your buddies or those you’re sleeping with and promote those that can do the job rather you like them or not.

I’m sure this post won’t last long as someone at the top will delete it or have it taken down. We shall see.