Wow, I was just watching kids in PE wearing masks and running. I can only imagine how much carbon dioxide is being rebreathed and causing stress on the central nervous system which has to compensate by dilating the blood vessels. The accumulive effect of low oxygen will have long term consequences. I guess big pharma will benefit from that in the future. Its child abuse to make them wear masks when the truth is out there that this phony scamdemic was just designed to to cause so much fear and pandemonium. Personal observation:
Everyone who wore masks and followed CDC guidelines still tested positive with the fake Chinese tests. Those who went hospitals got worse and died while those who stayed home did very well and all said it was mild symptoms of flu. But lame stream media then had an excuse that it was unpredictable and asymptomatic persons could spread it. Such even my own elders parents refused to wear masks and were together with those who tested positive by the fake ccp test kits , they never caught the fake DNC virus.
So, I found a cure for that fake scamdemic, I turned off the news...guess what. Today , I'll never shop at any idiot establishment that asks you to wear a mask. The sign of the beast. When they tell me I can't serve you unless you wear a mask, I say I can't spend a dime unless you wear common sense. I then wish them luck with such a stupid business plan. I only hope that the school district leaders realize how abusive it is to make children wear masks simply for a political agenda to push the new world order. If it was so good for man kind, why use trickery....