Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Won't happen, su@ks but a extensive investigation by our own department, wouldn't be done. Papier, should have been fired, has he? City hall has their clan and will protect them, with everything that have. Ortiz's should have been fired, demoted at the very least, nothing. Sure city hall wants accountably and professionalism, that's all for the other guy's. They need to not air, problems with staff, cause it wouldn't go well for them. Sure, they will puff out there chest's and say, this or that and will leave it in the hand's for the chief but will give the chief guidelines, to follow. As far a Natalie goes, sure maybe and it's a big maybe a transfer out of special units but it will be somewhere, they know she can handle. Like a desk position out of sight and out of mind. The standards almost are held to, don't apply to everyone here. We've all scene it, over and over again. It's easier and safer to nail a officer, then those on up. Cause the picture it would paint, would show that there is a problem with supervision and staff. The accident, Mrs. P. got in is a great example. YOU remove your vehicle from a 17, your career is over and well as those that helped you.

You cover up a incident once, it's a sure bet you did it before and no one knows about and you will do it again. No one likes to rat (as they say) on a fellow officer, me included. That's something you have to live with, good or bad. yet, expecting me or you to put our career on the line is asking to much and YOU would be the only one taking a hit, if it comes to light. Not those who put you in that position, they say you should of known better. The 3 monkey's are alive and well serving M.P.D. (see no evil, speck no evil, hear no evil) We all love and hate, for reasons that are only known to us. We all want to be accepted and well thought of by our peer's. Which in it's self is a good thing but when it comes down to you, your family, the choice for you should be a very simple one. Cause when your nailed, not one person here will help you feed your family, help on the bills or anything else. Some people should not be cops, most get found out right away and not hired, many it takes time and it shows up but if you in the click, all's O.K. Standards, even at the min. shows who should be here and who should not. Yet, we all know some that should not and there is nothing most of us can do about that. Staff must be beyond reproach, like I.A. should be. Yet, they cover for each others, expecting a favor in return.
Partner Have some faith ,the world is not lost yet! Outside agencies are apparently already involved , the chief is aware of the depth of the corruption! A cleansing will occur. Even individuals not doing major violations will be held accountable. This is gone on too long. When they squeeze a few people as they should, we will see the the alleged corruption at its worst , with its deep roots and players. 99% of I.A. is a bunch of freeloaders and cowards. they would prefer to screw the rank and file, than deal with the real criminals.