The best thing to do is either give them an ultimatum or one be fired. They are adults and if they want to date who cares. Fix it by having one leave. Right now the city pays for them to both stay home and do nothing while the agency is in complete disarray. Rumor has it Marci took almost 5 or 6 months of bereavement leave on the tax payers dime. Doesn’t that upset anyone? Maybe the commission should hold an official meeting and ask them on the record. If they lie, fire them simple and done. We all know they live cities away, it’s not a secret. Hell it was put out on Facebook by DW. Now they want to attack them because they spoke truth. The problem is the city won’t do anything about the affair unless you come to a commission meeting and ask for answers. Be heard and voice your concerns and come to a meeting or shut up and stop using these forums to throw everyone’s skeletons.