Minneapolis Police want to make folks safe when being Robbed. Police suggestions are to give it up! Police list as a cause, “Despite All Our Efforts.”

According to insiders, “Despite all our efforts” means the Minneapolis Police have been told to refrain from taking a proactive approach to doing their sworn duties and only react when called or necessary....

The disgusting murder of George Floyd has changed L.E. in every city in America. Blacks killing Blacks, especially the collateral killings of children is out of control. Chicago and other Democratic controlled cities are ordering body bags for Black citizens killed by other Blacks by the truck load. “Defund the Police” generally means reducing sworn police officers and hire civilians to handle routine calls. Someone please tell me how that is going to stop Blacks Killing Blacks?

The Minneapolis Police Department with a Black Police Chief should hang their heads in shame for causing this.

We better get used to the, “New Police Normal.” This is a National disgrace.