It's amazing with all the negative statements and I'm sure that's from Pollock and Israel supporters. The problem is that everyone is so sure that there candidate will win. The Pollock people think that he is the sure bet to win and the Israel people think that he is the guaranteed win based on name recognition. This happened in the past with Lamberti everyone thought that he would win and it didn't happen. Now you have Tony the biggest con artist in the history of BSO and I know everyone is thinking that he will be charged by the FDLE or there is no way that he can win after his past has been revealed, plus there is the fact that people are counting on IUPA to place bill boards everywhere of his swinger pictures. No one seems to think that no matter what is going on Tony still has a big following and they are fighting for him. In other words, he is not out of the picture. So you have to ask yourself, what if Tony wins ? You need a back up plan and something besides thinking that he is guaranteed to get charged by FDLE or removed. Otherwise its going to be a long four years. Maybe that's why Chuck is running for Sheriff. He never claimed to be more qualified. He claimed to bring and speak the truth. He claimed to bring back Law Enforcement not a full social service agency. There are many other social service programs in the county. So, just in case maybe we need to make sure Chuck gets qualified. It's better to have a back plan then to be possibly stuck with TT for the next four years. Remember nothing is guaranteed to include victories for Pollock or Israel.